Monday and Tuesday I took full recovery days. I went to bed crazy early to make up for my 3:30am wake up call for Sunday morning. Finally Wednesday morning I woke up well before my alarm and my legs were itching for a run. I did an easy 2.5 before I had to head to work. I had some initial soreness in my left knee but that subsided shortly after the run started.

Kyle always makes fun of my green hat, so I picked up this one that was super duper on sale. paaaaaaank.
Thursday morning I woke up yet again before my alarm, ready for some more miles. These clouds turned dark and ominous by the time I finished up my four miler.
I took this run as another recovery run on a hilly route. On one hand my legs felt WAY better than the previous day's run, as my legs didn't feel nearly as heavy, but the muscles I used for the hills on Sunday reminded me that they were still recovery. Holy hip flexors.
Thursday I didn't feel very well, so I ended up going home from work a couple of hours early. I made myself a watermelon slushie to counteract some of the dehydration I was suffering from. Ollie approved. Majorly.
My stomach was still feeling wonky Friday morning so I scratched my shakeout run.
Before I went to bed Friday night, I checked the weather yet again for race morning, and saw severe thunderstorm threats. Ugh. I told Kyle that if it was storming when I got up to get ready for the race, I was just going to go back to bed. Sure enough, I was awoken by lightning, heavy rain, and what sounded like hail. I turned my alarm back off, and conked back out.
Naturally, the rain cleared up about 15 minutes before the race started, while I was at home, comfortable on my couch in pjs. In retrospect, I should've just planned to skip the run altogether when I added the Swan Lake half marathon to my schedule. It's pretty impossible for me to try to "run for fun" and I will likely always let my competitiveness take over. Had I done that on Saturday, I would've set back my recovery from the half even further as a best case scenario, and worst case, I would've ended up injured from pushing too hard on legs that were still recovering.
With marathon training starting this week, a fast-ish 5k isn't going to do me any favors, training wise.
It ended up storming on and off all day long, so I didn't get any miles in at all. But we did break a 24 hour rain fall record with 2.6 inches. And with only 14 days of the month down, already have the June rain fall record. So yay us?
Thank goodness I didn't have a long run scheduled for this weekend, because all of my routes are flooded out!
I went out for an easy four around lunch time on Sunday. It was hot, humid, and sunny. I ran my hillier route. The first mile felt awesome, and then my legs started to feel like crap. It made me super happy that I didn't race the previous day's 5k. Woof.
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