Starting with the run. A nice easy lil 3 miler. I'm really trying to abide by specific "pace recommendations" for this round of 5k training, so I wanted to run it 9-9:30 mm. But I also determined that if it's my Thursday easy run and I want to pick up the last mile, I will, because I have Friday off, and why the heck not?
1. 9:21
2. 9:26
3. 8:43
For dinner we had an AMAZING shrimp stir fry that we added extra red and green peppers to. I'm eating the leftovers for dinner, so maybe if I finally exchange my batteries for my camera, I will share it with you. Probably not though, I'm lazy.

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY...marathon training plans. If you haven't been following along for too long (since I've only been blogging for a few months, that would include all of you), I'm embarking on my first full marathon. In one year. :) Ha. I've ran a local 1/2 marathon every September, this year will be my 5th, and usually I just stop running after completing it until spring rolls around. But not this year. This year I will continue to train after the 1/2 for another half Dallas White Rock in December. Since my bro, sis in law, and adorable nephew live down there, it will be a double whammy of a good time. Also, since I will have such a GREAT base going (which never has happened before) I have decided to embark on a full: Cellcom Green Bay Marathon.
I'm a ginormo Packers fan have always wanted GB to be my "first." I have my training plans set for the Sept. 1/2 and the Dec. 1/2 and have just started looking for my full plan. I've been pretty religious to Higdon's plans, and would like to do one for my first marathon also. I would like to finish in the range of 4:20-4:45, so no break neck speed, by any means, I just don't want to die on the course. I'm toying around with his Novice 2 program, which includes 1 20 mile run, a 19, 18, & 17, with top weekly mileage at 40. And his Intermediate 1 program, which has 2 20 mile runs, an 18, 17, top weekly mileage at 44. I know some of you guys do 3 20 mile runs during your trainings, but you're also ridiculously BA, and I am just a lowly newbie. :)
I would really like to hear your suggestions, both in comparing these two and offering up great first training programs that you used, or even ones you stumbled on after your first and wish you would've used. Although I would like to be faithful to Higdon, I am willing to move on to greener pastures if the opportunity arises.
And if you think it's ridiculous that I'm worrying about this 7 months before I even START the training program, then poo on you. :)
Whoa, you were a tiny thing! I think I prefer the look of runner Jeri who has STRONG RUNNER LEGS!
how exciting!!!i'm not going to poo poo your planning- i'm all over planning ahead and 7 months isn't too far off. i've just done my first, so i'm no expert. i found a running coach to come up with a plan and mine looked more like the intermediate plan you are looking at. a lot of the beginner plans have the goal set at making it across the finish line period. nothing wrong with that. but i think with your time goal you can totally do the higher mileage plan. i found that the 20 milers were confidence builders as miuch as anything, and i needed that. good luck!
I think it's great that you're planning ahead! I am kind of in the same boat you are, have always run one half every year, with no training for like half the year, but now I'm training for another half in July and my first full in November...exciting! I am still trying to figure out plans too, the Higdon ones look good, or you can go on and customize one based off a recent run/race time.
I liked my plan a lot, I started with an intermediate one from Runners World and then joyrun sent me hers about mid-way through, that I pretty much went off of until the race.
I did 2 20+ milers and I think that was perfect! I wouldnt have wanted to do only one. Although this time I am going to do 3 21 milers...
The one she sent me had pace times for runs, but I didnt go off that at all, I just basically did 3 weekly runs: one hill, one speedwork, one longer mid-week run. Then one long run on weekends. Once I got to the higher mileage weeks I was doing 16 then 12 then 17 then 12 then 18 then 13 then 20....etc etc. I can send it to you if you want but you would def need to mold it to your pace and other things! I'm going for 4:20 on my next marathon...hopefully at least that, but we shall see!
I love to plan in advance! I wish I had some advice. I am going to start Hal's Intermediate I in a few weeks. It'll be my first marathon. I guess I could let you know how it goes! I will probably talk about it on my blog :)
- kilax
I plan way in advance keeps me from slacking! I've been a bit partial to the SmartCoach plans off of So far, I've been making good progress with them.
I had 3 20 milers for my first plan, and I was so glad it wasn't just one, because my first 20 miler was daunting and scary and tough. By the third one I was feeling much better about that distance.
Can't wait to see how you do! And maybe I will see you in Dallas! (Although with you doing the half and me the full, you will be done and celebrating WAY before me!)
Its good to start planning your training now for the marathon! i am sure you will have it all figured out. I cant be of any help since I have never run a marathon.
Love the prom pictures! It really does seem to be the theme going around!! Tonight I saw some ppl at dinner all dressed up for prom! It was interesting to see them!
It's never too early to start planning for your first marathon! I believe I used the novice 2 for my first and tweaked it a bit. I ended up doing 2 20's based on others recommendations and I think it really helped. I used the RW smart coach for my last 2 marathon's.
love the prom pics :)
I have heard really good things about Hal's programs! plus being able to pick from different levels is a great advantage! i totally plan ahead too :)
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