This morning I woke up to a horrendous thunder storm. I was bummed because I was looking forward to the track workout I had planned, but was really just TIRED. So I snoozed for another hour. Gotta love coming in late on Thursdays. :) When I got up, it was still storming, so I headed to the gym. Blah. I kind of hate the gym, but it's better than being struck by lightning I guess.
Today I had my first workout with mile repeats. WHOO! For my 5k training plans, I had been doing 400 m. so I was excited to switch things up a bit. The plan called for a 1 mile warm up, 2 x 1 mile at 7:46 mm, 800 m. recovery after each, and a 1 mile cool down.
I set to work and away I went. And on came the sweat. Phew. I think this is seriously the most I've EVER sweat. I was silently thanking myself for being smart and wearing black running shorts instead of something like that would make it look like I peed myself, yikes.
The first mile felt strong, but the second mile was a struggle. Oof. It would've been interesting to see this workout on a track as I had originally planned, to see if I would've been able to maintain the pace when I was tired on the second mile, or if I would've backed off and picked it up at the end to compensate (that's usually my style).
Holy freak out. I just went on to to check my running log to post some stats from my run, and my log is coming up blank. Fingers crossed that's a weird glitch in their system, or I'm going to freak out!
Okie dokie. From memory, the first warm up mile was around 9:22. First mile repeat was 7:42, followed by 4:57 1/2 mile recovery. Second mile repeat was 7:41 with the same recovery. Cool down mile was around 9:40. If you want to add those together, you would come up with my total time for 5 miles. You would then be able to calculate an average pace.
At one point in the run I looked down at the control deck (?) of the treadmill and thought the treadmill was sweating. WOW! It must be REALLY humid in here, I thought like an idiot. Look at all the sweat spots on the piece in front of the actual belt that I'm running on. Yuck. Then I looked to the treadmills to the left and right of me. Weird, they're not sweating. As I again faced forward, I saw a huge thing of sweat fly from my arm to the treadmill screen (?), drip down onto the base on the treadmill. Oh. Wow. That's me. Awesome. :)
In other news, I think I need new shoes. On one hand: YAY! I love new shoes. On the other hand: Ugh. I'm broke. Can't you wait? Right now my shoes have about 270 miles on them (I'd give you the exact amount but a certain WEBSITE appears to have lost my INFORMATION!!!) I should end up hitting about 120 miles for my training this month, and will desperately need new shoes by then. Plus, I would like to have the new shoes broken in for the Wild West Relay.
Also, I'm not sure if it's because my shoes are wearing out already, or if it's because of the increased mileage lately, but I'm starting to get callouses on my toes in places I never have before am feeling some shin pain post-runs. I had horrible shin splints in high school and do NOT want those to reappear, so shoes will apparently be fit in my budget asap.
Asap as in Saturday. :) After my long run, I think I'm going to head to the local running store to
have them do that thing where they check your running style or whatever (please insert the technical much smarter sounding terminology here) to make sure I'm in the correct shoes. It's not a gait analysis because it's not with the treadmill, it's the thing you stand on that determines where your weight naturally lies....I think anyway.

Asics Nimbuses (Nimbusi? Nimbuseseses?) have always worked, but I'm just interested to see what they say. If all goes well, I should be the proud new owner of these puppies by Saturday afternoon.
They're And I'm not really a girly-girl/pink girl. But darn it they're cute. And they don't come in green, which would've been my first choice.
Alright, I'm going to go back to checking runners world obsessively to make sure they haven't lost my running data for the last 2 years, because that would be less than awesome. :(
Nice job on the workout, no wonder you were so sweaty!
A lot of people like the Gel Nimbus, but they're a little on the pricey side. You could try the Cumulus too, if you've been happy with a neutral cushioning shoe. (Nimbus: Cumulus as Kayano: 2140) Yeah, I just made an analogy with shoes.
I wear asics kayanos - they are stability and not cheap. I also never get more than 300 miles out of my shoes :-/ depressing.
SFM was my first marathon on Aug 3rd :) so yes I am new to this!! almost a year ago :)
Enjoy your new shoes! I alternate between Asics and Brooks. About the dark shorts...I did a long run in light green shorts, definitely looked like I peed myself by the end...not cute!
great mile repeats! my favorite shoes are asics gel kayanos and the asics trail shoes. i probably switch every 300--usually b/c i love new shoes :-P
I hope your log is up and working soon!
Everytime I use the treadmill, I get it SO sweaty! Eww eww eww! ;)
haha!! i sweat on the treadmill (literally, ON it) too! It is not pretty. But, I guess that's why you wipe 'em down at the end right? gross.
good luck finding shoes! I'm in the process of doing this too. unfortunately the ones I bought are leading to shin splints - can't have that!
Great job on the treadmill speedwork. I always sweat A TON when i run in the gym. I dont know why but its crazy! I know what you mean about needing new shoes but not exactly wanting to spend the money.
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