Do you remember the other day when I "jokingly" mentioned that I might facebook stalk an old kind of high school pal to see if she was looking for a running partner? Well. I was only kind of kidding. And by kind of, I mean, not at all. :) I waited a couple of days after the initial encounter, so as to not seem too eager, before sending a wall post,
"Hey! How was your run on Saturday? If you ever need a running partner, let me know. I'm sooooooo bored with running by myself. Do you live near the bike trails?"
to which she replied,
"i would love to run with you!!!! i'm bored with running by myself too! let me know when you wanna go!" (whoa I almost posted that including her response to where she lived. that would've been baaaaad..)
Whoo! So of course I follow up with a "private" message with a brief (ok, not so brief) overview of where I'm at with my training, days/times I run, and roughly the pace I'm running, with a mentioning that I wouldn't want to slow her down if she's much speedier than me, which she very well could be. But that's the number one quality, in my book anyway, about a running partner is to have someone slightly faster than you to help to push you. Either way, it'll be good to have someone to meet up with for a run a week, or part of a run a week. Plus, since I'm a loser at making friends with girls (seriously, I'm that girl who has like 3 close girl friends and then only boys, lame) maybe we'll become besties, and braid each others hair, and have sleepovers, and do boy talk. Ok, jk. But it would be sweet to have another gal pal. :)
No worries, I will keep you (thoroughly) posted on his this partnership unfolds (as if you had any doubt). (Overkill on the parenthesis yet? I thought so...ugh.)
This morning marked my first legit morning run of the week. My goodness have I enjoyed not waking up at 4:30am. Luckily I barely slept last night, so it was actually easy to get out of bed. Don't you hate when that happens? Grr. But there was a lot of stuff that was weighing heavy on my mind and my heart. It's amazing how much a run can just clear your mind and help you put everything in perspective. Things aren't 100% better, but at least I was able to understand my thoughts on a more rational level.
I did 5 miles in a leisurely 46:48 for an avg. pace of 9:22.
1. 9:20
2. 9:33
3. 9:23
4. 9:23
5. 9:06
2. 9:33
3. 9:23
4. 9:23
5. 9:06
It was FRIGID outside this morning. Silly me packed a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to take to Tay's to run in and it was 52 degrees at the start of my run and only 48 once the wind was factored in. Don't worry I managed to work up a sweat to cover my goosebumps. I made the bikers look like pansies when they were going by in sweatsuits and hats. WUSSIES. :)
I have a long run of 10 planned for Sunday, but am contemplating doing it tomorrow morning instead. Given that it's almost 11pm and I'm blogging, my night has been fairly low-key. It'd be kind of fun to see how the body reacts to a long run without pizza and beer to fuel it. We'll see. ;)
For Foto Friday, I am going to share some pics of the Packers game I went to the fall of 2006. Speaking of besties, I miss her, and I wish she'd return to the states from saving the world because I want to seeee her. :) The summer after college, she lived in Ohio and I went to visit her. We drove to Detroit to watch the Packers play the Lions. I'm a HUGE Packers fan, and a HUGE Brett Favre fan. This was the first year that he said he was going to retire, so when he didn't, I knew I had to get tickets as it could (but ended up not being) be my last chance. Here are some pics from the day. Beware, I was VERY EXCITED. :)
Pre-road trip 'bucks. Not that I NEEDED anything extra. :)

Below: Meg was trying to get a pic of me with the field in the background. Right before she snapped it, Brett ran right next to me right by the goal post. This is the happiest you will EVER SEE ME.

above: first huddle of the game.

Great photos Jeri! Thanks for sharing them.
52 degrees! Wow! What I'd give for a little of that weather right now! It's 5:30 AM and I'm just about out the door so I can beat the heat here today...
Congratulations on finding a running buddy. I hope it blossoms into a wonderful running (and non-running) friendship, hahaha. No joke--I found my RB by posting on the "Strictly Platonic" section of Craig's List, and now we're good friends. Miracles really do happen, ho ho!
That would be awesome to have a running buddy! They are the best! Last summer I facebooked one of my high school friends and talked to her into being my running buddy! which was totally awesome! So anyway! Hope that goes well and you have a good weekend!
yay for running partners! i hope everything works out! i def wish i had one!!!
and love the pictures! so smiley!
52 degrees is considered frigid?!?! I wish! That´s hilarious.
That is so awesome about finding a running buddy! That is the best thing ever, and hopefully you guys become friends!
I don't sleep too great the night before some runs either - like I'm nervous about not getting up to run? Hm, who knows. sounds like it worked out for ya though :)
i hope your new running buddy thing works!! that's so fun, and it makes a big difference!
How cool that she was up for the run! I like that about a running buddy - someone to push me to run faster. And I am that girl without any girlfriends too... well, any friends ;)
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