Jeri: [jaw drops, immediately put on running shoes before he can change his mind]
Friday, May 29, 2009
My running partner is cuter than your running partner.
Jeri: [jaw drops, immediately put on running shoes before he can change his mind]
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
New Running Buddy? I wish. :)
Highlight 1: When I got home from running Thursday night, I walked in on a shirtless Taylor doing push ups. AGAIN. Yay me. But that's not the highlight (ok, partial highlight for sure). I decided I would do some push ups also. I did 10 in a row without a break. Whoo! After I got done, he said that they looked so strong that I could do more. So when he started his next set, I did 15 without stopping. I've NEVER done 15 push ups in a row, especially after 10. I was super proud of me.
Highlight 2: I had asked Taylor to join me for a couple of miles on my 8 mile run on Monday, but he didn't want to. When I got home he was mowing and called me as soon as he was done. He was bummed that I was done running. He was planning on surprising me on the bike trail to run the last bit of my run with me. Unfortunately he underestimated my speediness. Hopefully the mood strikes him again in the near future, because a cute running buddy is just what I need. :)
On to the current. Yesterday I had an easy 3 mile run to do. Usually I have a rest/yoga/abs/push ups day after my long runs, but because I didn't get my lazy butt to run until Monday, I already expended my rest day. My legs were tired, to say the least. I just took the run slow, my hamstrings were REALLY tight after the first mile, so I slowed up a lot and just enjoyed the run. Total time 28:47 for a pace of 9:36. For the first time, ever, I think. I posted all positive splits. Go me. :)
1. 9:28
2. 9:33
3. 9:45
Tonight I had a 35 minute tempo run to do. Since I now know what paces I should be shooting for to do my tempo runs in, I was kind of excited for this one. Plus I had the extra incentive to run fast so I could get to Tay's softball games. I had planned to do 1 mile warm up 9:30-10 mm and then 3 tempo miles from 8:20-8:30.
1. 9:51 warm-up
2. 8:45 whoops. I wasn't dying after this, and it actually felt like a pretty comfortable pace. Double whoops.
3. 8:22 Ran a lot harder on this one. 4. 8:14 Felt like I was flying on this one, especially the last 1/2 mile.
What I learned from this run: I really suck at consistent pacing. That will be my goal as I move in to half marathon training.
The softball games were fun, they won their first one just minutes after I arrived, and the second one they lost.

The T-Bagz star pitcher.
Monday, May 25, 2009
5 day post hiatus and 3 day run hiatus, cured.
2.1 ? My garmin was not restarted after an ab stretch break, so I estimated my overall time based on the pace it did record for .88 of the mile.
3. 9:35
4. 9:47
5. 9:52
6. 10:04
7. 9:32
8. 9:02
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Speed workout, long time no see. I missed you.
IT. WAS. AWESOME. I felt like I was flying (especially since I was on the treadmill). I did 6 x .25 at roughly mile pace, with a .1 walk break in between. I warmed up with .5 and cooled down with a .5. The best news was, I didn't hurt. At all. :)
.5 warm up 4:30/9:00 pace
.25 1:43/6:52 pace (2 at this pace)
.25 1:42/6:48 pace (2 at this pace)
.25 1:41/6:44 pace
.25 1:30/6:35 pace
.5 cool down 4:30/9:00 pace
Avg. pace for sprints 6:46, warm up/cool down 9:00.
I'm also excited because these felt (dare I say it) easy. Granted the last couple had me huffing and puffing, but I remember being much more labored on these a couple of months ago. Assuming the pain doesn't come back, I think I'll be bumping up the speed a bit. YAY!
This also makes me think that I could do another race before June 27th (the next one I have on my list). There is a 5k on May 30th put on by the Canaries/Roller Dollz, and another 5k on June 6th for SIDS research. 5 more weeks is a looooong time to wait to race, so we'll see. Luckily these are races that you can sign up the night before and still get the low low rate.
Today's weather is pretty similar to yesterday's, except more wind. Ya, seriously. It might be another gym day because somehow easy does not equal sweating my behind off while fighting hurricane like winds (or so I'm guessing since we don't have hurricanes here, obv). Then I get to watch the bf's team kick some softball booty. Go T-bagz. (Um..ya.)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
morning runner?
Pro Morning Running
- Taylor works at 5:30am, so he has to get up at 4:30-4:45am. Because I'm a light sleeper, I'm also up until he leaves at 5am-ish.
- I could go to bed at the same time as him and get up and go when he does. Genius.
- It could make me more successful in races because races are in the morning, therefore training in the morning should make me a machine. :)
- It's going to get hot. I've gotten in the habit of running after work 5-6pm during the weeks, and that is not going to fly. Today's forecast is 90 degrees at 5pm. Holy meltage.
- By running in the morning, I would have more time after work to hang with friends/boyfriend.
Con Morning Running
- Ugh. 4:30am is EARLY.
- Going to bed at 9:30pm is LAME. (sorry Tay).
- Past morning runs have suuuuuuuuuuuuuucked.
- I'm starving in the morning, but can't eat more than an hour or so before my run or my stomach is upset. Therefore, I starve on the run or have intense side crampage.
- Part of the reason I eat so healthy all day long is knowing that what I put in is fueling my body for my run in the evening. Running in the morning would throw this out the window.
- I've always been an evening worker-outer. In high school, we had practice right after school, or games in the evening. In college, I had intramurals after supper and went to the gym after that.
- I'd have to shower at Taylor's most mornings (EEEEW). He's not eew, but he has a roommate, and I know how often that shower has been cleaned=zero.
With this being said, I think I need to give morning running a try. Most of the cons are whiney Jeri. And the pros are pretty legit. For the first two weeks of June (Drumroll please) I will become a morning runner (said with a thunderous clap in the background). Is anyone else imagining a super hero version of myself, hands on hips, with a cape billowing behind me with an old school alarm clock and sunrise? No? Only me...ok then.
Either way I'm going to have to switch up my routine, by running later 9ish, or butt @$$ crack of dawn. If two weeks is horrendous, I'll quit and go back to the evening runs. Although I do know from past experience, I am a lot more likely to "skip" runs in the evening. Oh who am I kidding, last falls half marathon training I was likely to skip all runs. Eek.
Are you a morning runner? Were you ever as anti-morning runner as me? Any awesome motivating factors?
This daisy is going on 2 weeks and is just the prettiest thing in my apartment right now. :)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Wonderful Weekend

Friday, May 15, 2009
easy run+foto Friday+marathon training program suggestions
Starting with the run. A nice easy lil 3 miler. I'm really trying to abide by specific "pace recommendations" for this round of 5k training, so I wanted to run it 9-9:30 mm. But I also determined that if it's my Thursday easy run and I want to pick up the last mile, I will, because I have Friday off, and why the heck not?
1. 9:21
2. 9:26
3. 8:43
For dinner we had an AMAZING shrimp stir fry that we added extra red and green peppers to. I'm eating the leftovers for dinner, so maybe if I finally exchange my batteries for my camera, I will share it with you. Probably not though, I'm lazy.

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY...marathon training plans. If you haven't been following along for too long (since I've only been blogging for a few months, that would include all of you), I'm embarking on my first full marathon. In one year. :) Ha. I've ran a local 1/2 marathon every September, this year will be my 5th, and usually I just stop running after completing it until spring rolls around. But not this year. This year I will continue to train after the 1/2 for another half Dallas White Rock in December. Since my bro, sis in law, and adorable nephew live down there, it will be a double whammy of a good time. Also, since I will have such a GREAT base going (which never has happened before) I have decided to embark on a full: Cellcom Green Bay Marathon.
I'm a ginormo Packers fan have always wanted GB to be my "first." I have my training plans set for the Sept. 1/2 and the Dec. 1/2 and have just started looking for my full plan. I've been pretty religious to Higdon's plans, and would like to do one for my first marathon also. I would like to finish in the range of 4:20-4:45, so no break neck speed, by any means, I just don't want to die on the course. I'm toying around with his Novice 2 program, which includes 1 20 mile run, a 19, 18, & 17, with top weekly mileage at 40. And his Intermediate 1 program, which has 2 20 mile runs, an 18, 17, top weekly mileage at 44. I know some of you guys do 3 20 mile runs during your trainings, but you're also ridiculously BA, and I am just a lowly newbie. :)
I would really like to hear your suggestions, both in comparing these two and offering up great first training programs that you used, or even ones you stumbled on after your first and wish you would've used. Although I would like to be faithful to Higdon, I am willing to move on to greener pastures if the opportunity arises.
And if you think it's ridiculous that I'm worrying about this 7 months before I even START the training program, then poo on you. :)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
....But I WILL do 35-45 mph wind GUSTS.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I don't DO 25+ mph winds....

And thusly (not a real word I don't think) should not live in the Midwest. Right now it sounds like a scene from the Wizard of Oz (one of my FAVORITE movies) outside. Tomorrow we're under a "wind advisory" from 3pm to 10pm, where the winds will be 35 to 45 mph. Poor Tay has two softball games that he's pitching. It might be a rough night to be throwing strikes.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Why do the weekends fly by?
Race Report: Avera Race Against Breast Cancer 5k
- horrible allergy cold/not being able to breathe properly out of my mouth or nose
- not doing any speed work for the last two weeks
- strained ab that's apparently still strained
Friday, May 8, 2009
You go rain. Wash away that Pollen!
I was super excited when I saw the forecast for tomorrow: high of 60, overcast, little wind. Stupid me, that's the HIGH. Not the temp at 8am. No no, that's 45 degrees, with windchill is closer to 38. I'm so sick of race photos in my running tights, agh. I want to bust out the new running shorts!
Tonight should be a good time, one of our friends is having a grad party, so I volunteered to be Tay's DD, mostly because if left to his own devices, he would sleep through my race tomorrow, and then I would be forced to take time out of my post-race high to kick his booty. That just sounds like too much work. :) Unfortunately, it will mean very little sleep for me tonight.
Wow, this post is lame. Sorry for putting you all through this. Keep your fingers crossed for a looooooooow 25 time for tomorrow!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Awesome Allergies + April in Review
Let's talk about my great state of South Dakota. All that red there, ya that's the pollen index. Oy vay! It's warm out at night, but not warm enough to turn on the AC, however, sleeping with the windows turns me in to a mess. I feel like one of those little kids who has snot bubbles billowing out of their nose. Ugh. The amount of boogers I'm housing is out of control. Since I'm not able to breathe out of my nose at night, I've had to revert to mouth breathing, which means that I wake up in a puddle of drool. Ick. Of course the running is NOT helping in any way. Taylor had two softball games now we're both just struggling at life. Apparently we have the same seasonal allergies, how precious..... :)
Speaking of my awesome bf and softball.... he hit two homers tonight. :) One over the fence, get out of here, I'm a big deal home run, and another tink, hit the fence, hauled ass around the bases, in the park homer. I love him. I told him he needs to join me on some of my speed work days so those become a constant instead of a rarity. I think he'd rather just hit em over the fence. Then he doesn't have to run the bases. Ha.
Moving on. April past 6 days ago, so it's probably time to review the month in running. Yay.
Miles Ran: 71 miles (5 more than last month, which is kind of weak sauce. but one of the runs I missed due to sickness was a long run. next month will knock this month out of the park!)
Best (only) Race: Washington Pavilion 5k. New PR by 21 seconds and the first race the lover boy has been at for almost a year. Whoo.
Highest mileage in a week: 20.6 for 2 weeks
Best new running purchase: GARMIN.
Ok, this review was also lame sauce.
Tonight I did my last run before my 5k race on Saturday. I have mixed feelings about this race. I've PR-ed in the last 2 races I've done, and by significant amounts....48 seconds the first race, 21 seconds the second race. But there was also significant time for improvement between each race. 8 weeks of training for the first race, 6 weeks of training for the second. And two weeks before this one. AND I haven't done any speed work since I'm trying to heal the ab. I'm hoping to PR even if it's only by like 1 or 2 seconds. Ha.
Tonight's run was an easy peasy 2 miles. There was a chica in front of me on the sidewalk so I was trying to keep pace with her. First miles clocked in at 8:36 and I was pooped. Second mile I turned around and was hit by 20 mph winds. Kill. Me. Now. I can run against the wind with the best of them. But why should I? So I decided to take the last mile easy and clocked in at 9:11. Total time 17:50 for a pace of 8:55.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
the key to an "easy" run pace.....
- 9:11
- 8:57
- 9:00
Monday, May 4, 2009
brats=great pre-run fuel
- 8:58
- 8:52
- 8:40
- 8:33
- 9:19
- 8:58
- 8:49
- 8:59
- 8:51
- 8:38
- 8:21
Friday, May 1, 2009
tempo run FAIL
- I ate a Milky Way for sustenance yesterday and that was all, my poor stomach still hates me from the dairy eaten on Wednesday. And no the Milky Way didn't help. MILKY way. I'm an idiot.
- It was cold, and 10pm, and dark, and I got scared running for the first time ever, it was weird.
- I ran a new/weird route that ended up being by a lot of bars and was constantly on the look out/slowdown, stop and wait for drivers who were leaving the bars and not paying attention to me.
- I accidentally turned my Garmin off for at least 3 minutes of one of my tempo-ed miles. UGH.
- The route I ran was ridiculously under lit (hense contributing to the scaredy cat-ness) and I couldn't check my pace on my watch without touching it to light up, which caused me to slow down or just not run fast all together, based on my splits.
- It was windy. No matter what direction I ran. Seriously. That's lame.
- AND I cut the run short because I SWORE there were people robbing my apartment. (there weren't).
Phew. With that off my chest, I can move on. I ended up running 3.62 miles (including my estimation when I was running HARD without being timed/distanced). In 33:05 (also slightly estimated). I tried to run the first mile slooooow at 10:08 and then wanted to do 2 miles around 8:20 pace. Nope. 8:40 & 8:40, cheers for consistency. Then wrapped up the remaining cool down .62 in 5:37 (because I thought I was being robbed.)
I think I'll just flip flop Wednesday and Thursday's runs because my times for Wednesday sure seemed a lot more tempo-ed. I like the word tempo-ed. Ha.
I'm ready for the weekend in a ridiculous way. Tonight is a rest day, so rest I shall. With a delicious glass of pinot noir.
To brighten up this already CHEERY post, I will include some photos for Foto Friday.
Taylor and I at my first 'Skers game last fall.
The whole crew tailgating.
And the cutest picture we've ever taken.
P.S. Our faces are sooo much skinnier now than in these pictures. Go us for getting back in shape!