It was kind of cool running through the dense fog in the fact that you felt like you were the only person on the planet. It was not cool in that it.... was.... not cool. Icky. The air was thick. I've learned to start my tempo runs on the slower side so my heart rate doesn't shoot through the roof, and attempted to do the same today after my warm up mile.
I'm not sure if it was the fog or what, but my garmin was all over the place with my pace. Not so much the first mile, but definitely in the second mile. Granted my pace is not spot on, but I toggled between 7:47 to 8:30. I really couldn't find a "groove." I was ready to throw in the towel on mile 4, hense my crappy split, and then tried to push it the final mile, but really that kind of sucked too.
I did 7 miles in 1:01:15 for a pace of 8:45. My tempo miles were, 8:16, 8:27, 8:28, 8:37, 8:21.
I'm a bit concerned because this pace is closer to the pace I planned to run for the half, but I had hoped to run it without feeling like my heart is going to explode. :/ It's been a while since I've done a speed workout in THAT intense of humidity, so I forget (or perhaps blacked it out of my mind) if the humidity really affects the heart rate that much, or if I just suck and should stop running :P Naturally, instead of giving me any semblance of confidence, I'm now 1000% freaked about the race and my goal time.
BRB in the midst of a runner's panic attack!
August In Review
Total Time: 18:04:30 down from 20:54:08 last month. (18:22:53 last August.)
Total Runs: 19 for an average of 6.02/run.
Highest weekly mileage:
8/1/2011 — 8/7/2011: | 39.0 Mi | 6:12:38 |
Favorite run: The hilly run where I ran to Kyle's softball game. It was nice and cool and felt fabulous out, and I wasn't a sweaty mess when I arrived at the game.
Most hardcore run: Meh, this morning's *should've* been hardcore.
Favorite race: The CMN State-A-Thon 5k. PR PARTY/SMART RACE/WHOOT!Most hardcore run: Meh, this morning's *should've* been hardcore.
Bike Miles: Another goose egg.
Favorite Jams: I downloaded 3 new songs to listen to on my tempo run this morning, and my stupid iPod claimed they were loaded but it lied. Maybe THAT'S why the run was so poor. ;) One was Nicki Minaj's Super Bass, I can't remember the other two.
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