Since I’m planning to run Philly with these two fine ladies, I’m making it a point to try to run with people. News flash: I really like running alone. Running with people is hard for me. Even in high school track when there were girls that were similar speed as me, I just preferred to chase the boys (real shocker there) than run with the girls. It’s hard. I’m always concerned that I’m slowing them down. Or I’m concerned that I’m not getting the most out of a long run if it’s not the exact pace I want to be/feel like I should be running. Unless you’re running with your exact pace twin, it just ends up being too much stress.
Well last weekend, I had a date for my 16 miler, but because of our alma mater’s homecoming festivities, and my need to sleep in, plans didn’t work out. Which brought me to this past weekend. I had 18 on the schedule, and had emailed Karla to see if she wanted to join me for part of it. Karla and I have pretty similar race times, and she just destroyed her first full in the Twin Cities a few weeks ago. She usually runs her long runs a smidge faster than me, but since she’s not actually training for anything, I hoped she’d be ok running a little pokier. J Of course I was surprised when she said she’d be up for the whole shebang! I was doubly thrilled when she was on board for a late morning start! Dear Fall, Your cool temps are amazing. Don’t ever leave me.
When we started off, it was 37 degrees, and I knew I looked like a fool in a tank and shorts, but I also knew I’d warm up quickly. Karla’s daughter recently joined the Dailymile and wanted to log some miles, so she joined us on her bike. Around mile 4, her daughter got picked up by her hubby and we continued to just run and chat and chat and run. We navigated through some construction to get down to the Falls, and the miles were just flying by. Turns out, the nice part about a running buddy, is your brain has other stimulation outside of looking at your pace/time/distance/heart rate. Who would’ve thought!?!?! The first time I feel like I really looked at my watch was 13.33 miles. That’s not a bad distance to zone out for!
Normally when I run with somebody, I run a lot slower, because talking throws off my breathing rhythm, and I pretty much feel like I’m going to die. But not Saturday. I’m not sure who the one pushing the pace was, but we were comfortably in the 9:15-9:25 range for most of the run.
Around mile 14 we both started feeling a little tired. Luckily for me I had a GU to take at mile 12, and it kicked in around mile 15. Not so luckily for Karla, she left her GU with her daughter’s bike. She also started to have some tummy problems. Poor thing. At mile 16, we parted ways, and I took off like a cannon. I have never had a second wind like that in a long run, and I owe it all to the GU Roctane. Blueberry Pomegranite, my fave. Mmmmm.
Since I was feeling strong, I decided to do a “faster finish” long run. It felt great to run that strong after having 16 miles on your legs. 8:58 and 8:41. Whoo!
Sadly, due to our weaving through the construction areas to get to Falls Park, I must’ve over estimated how much distance we had left, because I finished my run a half mile from home. I like to cool down, and all, but I was out of water and thirsty. And I swear to you, a G.D. horsefly followed me the entire ½ mile home, landing on me and annoying the poo out of me.
I did 18 miles in 2:48:33 for a pace of 9:21. Other than our mile walk/running through construction areas (9:56) and our slowed down pace to fight Karla’s tummy issue (9:32) we were cruisin’!

And just for fun, I was trying out a new filter for a camera app I downloaded and managed to get this gem of a photo after it's 27 rapid fire flashes. I kind of love how terribly great it is.
you're so....sunny. bright!
also, good grief. i think you've been secretly training for a marathon for months and have just been fooling us all with this "6 week plan."
you are killing the training, nice work.
that photo makes me smile.
Oh, I love when I surprise myself with a killer long run. Nice job on the pace and second wind. You're going to do great on your upcoming race.
45 miles is pretty bad ass Jeri, awesome week!
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