Total Miles: 121.2 up from 114.5 last month. (86.1 miles from September 2010.) Oh hai similar injury post SF half.... we see each other again....
Total Time: 18:56:33 up from 18:04:30 last month. (13:18:55 last September.)
Total Runs: 19 for an average of 6.38/run.
Highest weekly mileage:
9/26/2011 — 10/2/2011: | 35.1 Mi | 5:28:01 |
Favorite run: My 13.1 training run where my time was almost the same as the SF half time. :P It felt effortless and the weather was gorgeous. And I ran through my old stomping grounds, which is always fun.
Most hardcore run: I always loathe mile repeats and tempo runs that are longer than about 4 miles, so I felt pretty b.a. when I knocked out my 3 x1600 m repeats and 7 mile run with 5 at tempo (in which I hit 1000 miles for the year without realizing it... so yeah... that's fun...)
Favorite race: It didn't turn out at all like I expected, and in hindsight, I probably should've dropped out of the race, but I finished my 7th consecutive Sioux Falls half marathon, and only 3rd time going sub-2. So I'll take it.
Bike Miles: 25. Yay. Only because of semi-injury. Boo.
Bike Miles: 25. Yay. Only because of semi-injury. Boo.
Favorite Jams: My heart's a stereo. I've been listening to it on repeat for interval workouts. LOVE.
Speaking of mile repeats, I had more to take care of on Monday. When I was looking at my training program before starting the run I realized, "neat-o I haven't taken a rest day in a week, this should be fun!" Luckily because it's race week I only had 2 x1600 m repeats on the schedule which doesn't seem as scary as 3+. The goal pace of 7:37 was slightly daunting, however.
Not sure what's got in to me lately, but I knocked those puppies out in 7:30 and 7:29, and definitely had enough gas for more. Bring on Fargo! Oh yeah... I'm racing tomorrow. So fingers crossed for me, eh?
And in horribly bad race photo news, here are some of the train wreck shots from the Sioux Falls half.
So yeah........ it was just a smidge warm...........
My heart's a stereo, it's beats for you...
Sweat is sexy!
You're sooo pretty. *Pets your sweaty head* :)
Good luck in your race. Nice stats for September. Your graphs and charts make me laugh ... only because I have the same things built. How did the world survive before Excel?
Yay for Fargo round 2! Good luck - hope you have great weather.
I was totally going to say "you're so pretty" but morgan already did. pretty girl! bwahahaha.
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