For those of you that were concerned that I was dead after a weekend of debauchery, rest assured, I'm still alive and kicking. I've taken the longest running hiatus since starting up running again in January with Saturday through Monday without a single run done. When I woke up to a horrible thunder/lightning storm this morning, I thought it was going to be another day chalked up to my slackertude.
But let me back up. Do you remember the "raging" birthday party I was to attend on Friday night? The one that I moved my long run for to attend and celebrate? Um...ya. Definitely a bit more lowkey than we anticipated. Most people had 1-2 bevs, and we played board games. Now I love me some board games (another area of my life where I'm uber competitive, imagine that) but not exactly the kind of evening you would need to move a long run for. At 10pm, everyone started trickling off to their bedrooms for "sleepy time." I'm sorry, what!?!?!? Taylor and I soldiered on, drinking some delish beer and watching Harry Potter 5. Sidenote: Any night with HP and delish beer is ALWAYS a night well spent.
Friday night marked night #1 without any sleep. Taylor's sis has a newborn, and the poor thing didn't feel well. I think I maybe got 2 hours of sleep on and off. Let me say this now: best. birth. control. ever.
Saturday we got up bright and early and got ready to head to Yankton. For some reason, I totally for about doing my daily yoga. :( Fail #1 for the weekend. I thought about doing some down dogs post-bar, but figured that wouldn't be in my best interest. We went to Riverboat Days (Yankton's summer time festival) and meet up with my best friend, her boyfriend, and one of Tay's best friends was going to meet us there also. We spent some of the afternoon wandering around the arts and crafts, and eyeing the deliciousy greasy food.
For dinner, we decided to hit the vendors, HARD. For starters, I had some cheese curds. I love me some cheese curds, so I figured they would be worth the impending digestive issues. Next round was a couple bites of Taylor's gyros. (Fail #2 of the weekend, as you'll see later.) Sheana and I decided to split a deep-fried Snickers, my first, but have been craving one (Can you crave something you've never had?) since Glenn mentioned having one not too far back. It was ok. I was slightly disappointed though. The batter it was fried in wasn't that great, so I ended up eating a melted Snickers. Ha. Then the boys bought some funnel cakes. One bite lead to half of a funnel cake. Whoopsies. Sheans and I took the annual rbd-funnel-cake-powdered-sugar-mustache photos. Almost as good as the inaugural year.

RBD 09.

RBD 04.
I had a few drinks throughout the day/evening, but not too terribly many, keeping in mind that I had a speed workout to do Sunday night. I woke up in the middle of the night with the worst stomach cramps of my life. I felt like I could've been throwing up while I was going to the bathroom. (TMI?) It was horrible. Usually when I eat dairy and get sick in a somewhat similar fashion, I feel better as soon as the dairy is out of my system. I still felt horrible after, and ended up make 2 more trips to the bathroom throughout the night. I was struggling.
Sunday we swung through my hometown to see my pops as it was his 60th birthday. Whoot whoot! Happy birthday Papa!! This is one of my favorite pics of me and my dad from when I was 6? That's also my favorite dog ever, Buck. He was my best friend. Awww.

Monday was a rest day from running so I did some yoga for neck/shoulders to loosen them up from Sunday. Taylor started his fall league for softball, so yet another day went by without running.
This morning as the alarm went off, I noticed a huge bolt of lightning outside my window. That's all I needed to reset my alarm for 6:45am. This girl does NOT like lightning. She does, however, like sleep. After hitting snooze for about 25 minutes I finally crawled out of bed and got ready for work. Skipping morning yoga. (Is anyone else seeing a trend here? Lazy butt!)
As soon as I got to work I told myself that I was running after work, no matter what. Luckily it looked like the weather was going to cooperate. I had 6 easy to do today and tomorrow, and knew that would bore me, so I did 7 today and will do 5 tomorrow. I don't know why I hate the 6 mile distance, but I do.
I started off running and thought I was going at my usual "easy" pace. When the first mile beeped in, I realized that was not the case. Who knew? The legs needed a 3 day hiatus to feel fresh as a daisy. I decided to run as quick as the legs wanted to without feeling like I was pushing the pace. I was pretty happy about the results. Mile 6 my quads started burning, but other than that, I felt great. I'm guessing I was running with better form (hence the faster time) and actually lifting my legs, causing the quads to be more tired. Craziness.
I did the 7 miles in 1:01:46 for a pace of 8:49.
1. 9:07
2. 8:49
3. 8:57
4. 8:47
5. 8:45
6. 8:50
7. 8:28
2. 8:49
3. 8:57
4. 8:47
5. 8:45
6. 8:50
7. 8:28
Now I'm back on track, and have the motivation I need to stop skipping runs: I have to do all my runs through the end of the month to have more miles than last month. Can't be a loser for August!
Whoa, sorry for the marathon of a catch up post.
There is nothing wrong with taking an extended break every once and awhile! Doesn't make you a slacker at all! Nice job on the 7 and glad you are feeling better ;)
I think food poisoning and birthday parties are completely legit reasons to take a small hiatus! Plus, it clearly paid off ;) (maybe with a little help from the funnel cake...?)
Wow that is some crazy stuff. I hate feeling size either from food or virus. Hope you are all better now. I know the feeling of not wanting to workout and just sleep in - I did not want to get in the pool this morning to swim. It was cold!
Food poisoning is the worst feeling ever, I had it once and thought I was going to die! Although you have now given me funnel cake cravings...yum!
Hey - what's 4 days in the big picture? The rest probably did you some good.
Cheese curds. Mmmm. That is one thing we don't get out here in the West. Sorry your Snickers wasn't the best. Sounds like the oil wasn't hot enough. A properly done fried Snickers is crispy on the outside and a gooey mess on the inside. Yum!
And - it look like the time off and fun weekend didn't do any harm after all. Great splits on your run!
Oh - and I know what you mean about the pics. I usually look mad *and* in pain. I think the difference was I wasn't running for a PR this time. I was just there to break up the monotony of running alone and to have fun. I think the pics show it!
Oh man, glad you're feeling better girl!!! :( No Bueno!!!!
Blah, sorry about the food poisoning!
...What do cheese curds taste like? Are they sour?
Bad title. I thought you went running while you had food poisoning. The anticipation was killing me until I got to the end. Now I am perplexed.
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