Stretching on the gravel feels awesome.
Look at me. I'm bendy. Hah. (I think I actually said that as the photo was taken :p)
And I was off! Buh bye portapoopers, I got 7.3 miles to conquer.
Here's the elevation according to my Garmin. The first part is just a subtle uphill, but it didn't feel very subtle. Everyone who had ran before me said it took the first mile to get used to breathing the air, so I was thankful for the slow incline to get me acclimated. The worst part about this race: no iPods/headphones. Although, many others didn't follow the rules, tsk tsk, I did and I'll tell sucks listening to yourself breathe! It totally messes with your head hearing how labored your breathing is. I didn't feel tired/winded, but I sure as heck sounded like it. Ay ay ay.
Someone else managed to snag my best angle. Thanks again team. :D And I kept running....
The run was really great until I encountered the first, seemingly endless, hill. I can rock hills. Because "I am a machine," a mantra I said over and over while running it. But uff da, it was getting difficult to breathe! As I was running up, I was catching up to a girl in front of me. We had a mid-way up the hill chat.
Me: Wowsers, is this hill ever gonna end????
Girl: I's....
Me: .....brutal.
Apparently there were some beautiful views on the way up the hill. Unfortunately I was just focused on the top of the hill and taking air into my lungs. Lucky for you all, my teammates snapped some shots. :)
I started getting a bit dizzy and light headed while trudging up, but judging by my Garmin I knew I only had a little ways to go to get to the top. Once I did I was rewarded by a pretty sweet downhill portion.

And another with the mountain I conquered behind me. You might be able to take the wind out of the beast, mountain, but you can't take the BEAST out of the beast. :p

Dunno why this is such a small picture. :( Grrr....
The handoff to Julie, our van's final runner for Leg 1.
And I'm done. Sweaty. Salty. But done.
How many road kills did I garner, you ask? 3. Boom.
Run Stats:
7.3 miles in 1:10:32 for an average pace of 9:40. My goal was 10:00 miles, so take that mountain. :p
1. 9:11
2. 9:30
3. 9:35
4. 9:31
5. 9:37
6. 9:58
7. 10:40
.3 2:27 (8:07 pace)
*Can you tell at which point I wanted to jump off the mountain? If you answered mile 7, you are RIGHT! :)
Wow, you got to run through some cool places!
And the green top looks great on you!
Now that I usually run with headphones, I think it is weird to listen to my breathing too! It totally throws me off.
Great job on Leg 1!
I love that pic too!! "I Am flying" - haha, get it!
I also love the tally on the van - so fun! The no headphones thing is rough - but the van blasting the playlist? AWESOME! :)
Way to go! That's awesome and that 7th mile looked evil!! LOL
I love that hair photo that you like - i have a few like those and they are pretty sweet! The scenery is so pretty there - must have been tons of fun!
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