I tried it on for the boy after the shopping spree and his comment, "Wow, that fits perfect." Doesn't get much better than that for compliments. Especially on workout clothes. Next we were looking at water bottles. After doing more research on the race, I've learned that it's super easy to get dehydrated at the higher altitude.
My first run is a 7.5 mile leg and will be around noon. I figured I NEEDED to get a handheld water bottle so I didn't get sick. Then I finally got what I came in for...the GUs..... a good chunk of those are for my van and the rest are to replenish my stock. The dude did give me a discount on the GUs because I bought so many, never hurts to ask right? $88 later, I was done. :)

Saturday we spent the whole day post-shopping watching Star Wars. Believe it or not, I've never seen the movies. It was one of my summer goals to watch all of them. We knocked 2 off the list yesterday. I can't believe I've never seen these movies. I'm slightly in love with Yoda. :)
Saturday night I ended up not going to bed until 3am, so I was not very excited when my alarm went off at 7am. I ended up snoozing until about 8am. Luckily the weather has been freakish lately because it was still cool out. I wore my new blue tank top and was out the door at 8:30am. It was a really great run! Perfect weather, legs felt a little tired, but nothing too bad.
Notable mentions from the run:
- I was playing leap frog with a girl on the trail who was running a slower pace them me, but wasn't stopping at the fountains for water like I was. After the second time, we chatted a bit about how long are runs were for the day, she asked if I was training for the 1/2 and said she was too. It was nice to have someone to chitchat with for a couple of minutes.
- I tried a Vanilla Bean GU Roctane. Probably my favorite. Tied with Blueberry Pomegranite fo sho.
- I ran into (not literally) my college friend who's the big tri stud now. I was running along when I saw this VERY serious biker coming towards me. Whoa, Lance, you look like a big deal, I thought to myself. No sooner than I had this thought did he should out JERI!!! We waved and screamed hi as he was flying past. Last time I saw him he was running. If the next time I see him he's swimming along in the river next to the trail, I'm going to have to confront him about stalking me using this "tri training" as a cover up. :)
- The lady with the yorkie in the sunglasses (from a long run 2 weeks ago?) lost her dog. I was running by her when she yelled out, "Have you seen a yorkie!?!?" I said no and kept running. What I wanted to say was, "Maybe your dog ran off because he's sick of the accessories you force him to wear. Just an idea!" But I refrained, because I'm nice. Ok, that's not true. I was too tired at this point to shout something that long winded.
- My new tank was dy-no-mite. Pretty much felt like I was running without a shirt, which is just the way I like it, minus the flab bouncing around for the world to see. Seriously, if the running store had more colors in my size I would totally buy them all up.
- I didn't have the pukey feeling during any of my run, or immediately after stopping. Granted I ran a much steadier pace and didn't go BTTW during the last mile, so that makes sense. Unfortunately, my stomach is still upset this afternoon. :(
- A dude on a bike passed me while on the trails. He was wearing super short cotton shorts (think cheerleading camp shorts with the triple folded waist band) with an equally short shirt and his jock strap 3 inches above his short line. Awkward. I had a thorough convo with Tay to see if this was a weird situation, or if I was missing some aspect of cycling for a dude, and he agreed it was weeeeird.
I did the 11 miles in 1:38:39 for an avg. pace of 8:58.
1. 9:16 2. 9:19
3. 9:10
4. 9:09
5. 9:06
6. 8:58
7. 8:57
8. 8:56
9. 8:57
10. 8:38
11. 8:06
I took an ice bath post-run, and then went back to bed for a little nappy post-shower. We're heading to the waterpark for one of my good friend's birthday party. Should be a nice little Sunday. Might make it to Home Depot, Bed Bath & Beyond...I dunno... I dunno if we'll have TIME! Name that movie.
Wow! Great times on your 11 miles!!!
The green tank you bought is hands down my favorite running tank of this year. I have now purchased 4 different colors and have 2 waiting in a shopping cart online to purchase :)
You will get dehydrated at altitude, it's crazy how fast it can happen!!! In the future look into nuun or zym tablets. They are tablets of electrolytes you can drop into your water on the go.
Cute shirts! Love fun shopping sprees!
i have that green tank in a diff color and LOOOOVE it!! its awesome :) and so was your 11 miler!
Nice runs! I have the green tank in purple (I think like Aron's.), and it is great! In fact, I've been wearing it all week and definitely need to wash it. Perhaps TMI...
And I haven't seen any of the original "Star Wars" either. I'm not sure if I plan to...I kind of hate being told what to watch.
I love when running or regular clothes fit really well! Great job on the run - sounds like it was pretty exciting!
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! great run. and i think i need to get that shirt!!!!!!!! i need some looser ones (that still cover) for the summer now that it's hot!!! and GREAT haul! i need to do that. buy one get one?! SCORE! damn girl you did great all around :) please tell me how you got a discount on the gu's...!!!!! :)
NICE SPLITS!! the last one is super speedy!! glad you found a new GU flavor to enjoy too - dont' want to get sick of them! :) I love your "moments during the run" - they're so entertaining. haha, I hope she found that little Yorkie. whew, not good.
Ahhhhh I was gonna buy that SAME GREEN TANK today! Poo. Maybe I will anyway.
Yay for CO soon!
I have that same tank, only in hot pink! I loooove it...it's so airy and light! I don't know why I didn't think of it before when you asked about running tops...duh, that one is PERFECT! You'll like running in it :)
I can't believe the crazy lady lost her yorkie. Wow! I hope she finds it, though :(
Old School!
Do I win something?!
Awesome shirts! I love the colors!
awesome shirts! i wish i could find those discounted out here! sooo expensive! can't wait till thursday to meet you!
OMG Jeri you just made my monday back because pinata-hit was TOTALLY NOT intended and i didn't notice til you pointed it out. hahaha,.... which made it even funnier!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for that :)
Man - those are some smoking paces for a training run! Well done!
And I'm totally there with the Vanilla Bean GU Roctane. Tat and Espresso Bean Love are the only two that I use. My favs!
Now to go find a 2 fer special. Why don't I ever show up for one of those?
I love shopping for running clothes, and you got some super cute stuff. Love that shade of blue.
Heheheh....totally ordered that green tank.
Gonna be twins!! So excited about the race!
They have Vanilla Bean Roctane now? Darn, gotta go get some. getting tired of the orange.
Enjoy the relay!
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