Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Spring Half Marathon Training Week 3

Monday Planned: GA+Speed 6 mile 6x12 sec uphill, 6x100
Monday Actual: Rest day. We did our long run Sunday night, and after 27 miles running on loose snow, packed snow, and slick spots I felt like I needed a rest day. Also it was the morning of the Youth Media Awards and it was too cold for me to run before the live announcements. Is that enough excuses??? Phew!

Tuesday Planned:
 GA 3 miles
Tuesday Actual: Ugh. I slept in far too late to get this run in before work and half contemplated doing it at 9:30pm when I got home. It didn't happen.

Wednesday Planned GA 4 miles
Wednesday Actual
GA 4 miles at the group run. I had hoped to make up 4 of my missed miles after yoga but spent most of Wednesday coughing non-stop so the comfortably paced run felt like a damn tempo run, breath wise. Woof.

Thursday Planned
 LT 8 miles, 18 min LT, 4 min recovery jog, 15 min LT
Thursday Actual

Friday Planned: Recovery 4 miles
Friday Actual: 4 miles of recovery at the coffee run with the BRF. The final two miles were so miserable that we may have snuck out of the recovery zone on mile four because we were ready to be DONE. -12 windchill. Uff a.

Saturday Planned: Endurance 12 miles, increase effort, last 2 mi @ LT pace
Saturday Actual: We woke up to surprise snow, and my perfect condition LR went out the window. I remained optimistic until we were at about 3 miles of super fluffy wet snow and my knees and hip were d-o-n-e with it. We went rogue on our route and tried to do our own thing, only to spend 2 miles on hills that were also covered in snow, and stopping at way too many stop lights getting chilly. Finally we found a residential area that was low enough traffic that we could run on the roads. Due to the conditions and the aches from the beginning half of the run, I scrapped the increased pace workout, but did pick up the final mile as that part of the route was clear.

Sunday Planned: Rest
Sunday Actual: 5 recovery miles. I played the game to see just how low I could keep my HR. And I won! I kept it in the 130s. 139 for the average, but still, 130s! I looked at my pace for this run and thought, man if I was in shape for a marathon right now, and a 10:19 is my low low recovery HR, I could run a marathon in the 4:20s-4:30s maybe at that pace, which would be one of my faster marathons. I remembered running Philly, which is my 3rd fastest race, and mentally noting that my heart rate was in my recovery zone in the final 10k. It felt good to feel that good that late in a race. I can't wait to see what October brings!

Total Mileage Planned: 37 miles
Total Mileage Actual:  33.13 miles

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