On Monday I was having a terrible horrible no good, very bad day. I was crabby/cranky/bitchy/etc. As soon as the clock hit 5, I stomped out of my office knowing I needed to hit the treadmill to blow off some steam. After cursing at all cars while on my route home (horrible drivers! all of you! pay attention!), I stomped into my apartment and into some running clothes; turned back around stomped out and headed to the gym. And then like a sweet sweet angel N called. I think he sensed my severe distress from afar. After giggling/laughing my face off, I was at the gym and a whole new person. Smiley McSmilerson here to do my 6 miler!
Unluckily for me, my legs felt like lead and roughly 900 pounds a piece. So yeah, that run was FUN. (But still run 98% with a grin on my face). I need to start hitting up ice baths post long runs to help cut down my legs recovery time. I did the run at a very leisurely pace and caught up on my celebrity gossip a la US Weekly. I did my 6 miles in 57:34 for a pace of 9:36.
Tuesday I had a 7 mile tempo run with 5 at 8:40 pace. My legs felt fresh as a daisy after getting out all the kinks the day before, and I literally had *one of the greatest runs of my life*. These are the runs that we live for as runners. I felt like I was running effortlessly, fast, and I was definitely in "the zone." Every time I would lift my magazine to see the distance run I was shocked that it was that close to another mile completed. Tick tick tick, the miles flew by.
I did the 7 miles in 1:02:28 for a pace of 8:56. Tempo miles pace 8:37.
1. 9:39
2. 8:36
3. 8:41
4. 8:41
5. 8:41
6. 8:28
7. 9:39

Wednesday was sweet sweet rest. And do you want to know what rest looks like in Jerbear land as of late? Season 1 of Lost. Now you may be thinking that I'm turning into a television junkie....and you would be right. First How I Met Your Mother, now this? Yes. When Lost first came on tv, I was in college and was busy studying hard and didn't really have time for tv. After most of my friends were obsessed with the show, I knew I would have to watch it at some point. I had planned to start watching it once the series was over or once it was on its final season. Well the final season started a few weeks ago, and what better time to jump in, right? After spending a solid 5 hours watching after work yesterday, I just finished Season 1's finale today. Whoa. I almost want to take the next week off of work just to watch it from start to finish. Insanity.
This morning I woke up (3rd morning in a row without using an alarm, btw) and headed to the gym for another 6 mile easy run. After a day off, my legs felt good. I grabbed a Cosmo to read, and before I knew it 6 miles were done. I'm really digging this week of MARATHON TRAINING!!! I did the 6 in 57:38. Yes, only 4 second difference from Monday's 6 miler. That's almost Lost-esque in its creepy/eerie factor, no? :p
Post run, I was excited to make a smoothie. I like to have smoothies on Thursday because it's the one day I run before work, and I hate feeling like I'm s.t.a.r.v.i.n.g while I'm at work. I had some strawberries, blueberries, a banana, 1/2 an avocado, some protein powder and a splash of juice. Holy guacamole this was amazing. The avocado gets the smoothie the smoothest texture, its seriously like melted ice cream. I was licking the inside of the container after it was all gone. And it made me FULL. 5 stars smoothie.
In other delicious food news, I've jumped on the greek yogurt bandwagon. I've gone back to eating very very limited meat, so I'm making sure I'm getting my protein in other ways especially now that MARATHON TRAINING!!! has begun.
[Sidenote: Maybe I'll do a video clip of what MARATHON TRAINING!!! actually sounds like in my head each time I type it. It's pretty fun.]

So stinkin' sweet. Thanks Glenn!
I'm supposed to give this out to 12 people, but that seems awfully limited. I would like to bestow it to anyone who needs a lil sunshine in their lives.
Good luck to everyone racing this weekend! I can't wait to read everyone's race reports while I'm in my 16 mile post-run/pizza refueled coma. (Yes, I've already decided the meal I will eat post run 2 days in advance. Are you telling me that's not normal?!?!?)
I'm supposed to give this out to 12 people, but that seems awfully limited. I would like to bestow it to anyone who needs a lil sunshine in their lives.
Good luck to everyone racing this weekend! I can't wait to read everyone's race reports while I'm in my 16 mile post-run/pizza refueled coma. (Yes, I've already decided the meal I will eat post run 2 days in advance. Are you telling me that's not normal?!?!?)
Post long run fuel is critical...and pizza does sound amazing. :)
I plan out my post run meals days in advance too - totally normal. And yes, the nailed it was definitely in Barney's voice. :)
This is your frst time traiing for a marathon - make sure you properly fuel - pre and post workout. The miles are going to start racking up in a few weeks. If you don't eat enough of the right stuff (cabs *and* protein) you will be sorry. Like I tell my friends - marathon training and weight loss are mutually exclusive....
Happy to pass on some sunshine!
alriiiight!!! "one of the best runs of your life"- that's spectacular!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! way to go :) sigh i wish i had kept up with lost. i stopped watching part way thru the 2nd season.
kraft mac and cheese shells is one of my fav post workout meals :)
Are you starting marathon training? Just kidding. GOOD LUCK!!
Avocado + smoothie??? Jeri is brilliant!! I usually go with "thick" yogurt - but this def sounds like a tasty alternative. Mmmmm.
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