Saturday as work was coming to a close, I sent a text to Aaron to see if he wanted to
hold my hand accompany me on a bike jaunt. Since I am high maintenance, I gave him some requirements to ensure my happiness: I wanted to go asap (as there was a chance for storms in the afternoon) and I wanted him to take me out of town as the bike trails are flooded out (for the gazillionth time). He came and got me and took me and my bike to a park on the outskirts of town, and we were off. I had to bike on a highway for about a mile and 1/4, and it was terrifying. I've done very little biking on the road
in town when the speed limit is 30. Hence what I meant by the hand-holding. :) Aaron yelled back many well-meaning and calming comments and thoughts. Before too long we were taking a much less traveled road and were flying. He had said we needed to average over 15 mph (slightly above what I typically bike at) in order for him to be back home when he needed to, and we were going well above that.

At one point I saw a giant hill (in my eyes this was clearly a mountain) and I wanted to be sure we were taking a detour to go around it. Nope! Aaron likes to remind me I'm not nearly as much as a badass as I pretend to be. :) He coached me up the hill, and I survived. We biked around a Lake which was beautiful and then headed back towards town. And were smacked in the face by wind. Eew. I swear we didn't have this much wind at our backs! (but we probably did). And to top it off, we had to go up the other side of the
hill mountain
into the wind. Ack! (Heh heh, Ack! Reminds me of that episode of Big Bang Theory where Sheldon takes social cues from the comic strip Cathy to help him relate with Penny. Cracks me up. But I digress....)
To take a break from the wind, we biked around a new housing development with the most beautiful houses I've ever seen.
Future Sugar Daddy,
This is where I would like to reside. Danke.
Love, Jerbear
The remaining 5-6 miles were in to the wind, and they sucked. I determined that I have pretty sucky endurance when it comes to biking, but those two hills were the first I've ever really biked up, so I suppose it makes sense my legs would be fatigued afterward. All in all, a fun little jaunt with Aaron.
We ended up going 17.2 miles in 1:17:42 for an average speed of 13.28 mph. Yes, if the beginning half was over 15 mph, this tells you how strong I was against the wind, and up hills. Hehe.

Yes, there are no pictures of Aaron or I, because he refuses to be in pictures. And he was being a turd and wouldn't take any pictures of me and my bike. Send him hate mail if you'd like. :)
nice ride, love it when dedicated runners admit that they ride a bike once in awhile :)
He's getting a hate tweet from me. haha
great ride Jeri!
Lol @ at the lack of pictures. Clouds work too
ah, what a good ride! you make me miss my wanna bike hills, come up where i live. that, is hills. i hate just running them.
I am bike envious of you. I have a road bike and it's nice, but I am such a scaredy cat when it comes to riding. I really want to be confident on it, but I just get nervous riding with cars passing by. Scary!
Wind + bike = hate.
sounds like a nice ride besides that wind crap :)
Wow. Looks like gorgeous day! Beat crap out of our 100+ day here...
I always think of little hills as mountains! I am lol'ing about Aaron and his photo fit!
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