Goal B: Sub 1:50. I broke 2 hours last year at this race, so it'd be very apropos to say goodbye to the 1:50s at the same race.
This week has been spent getting in some slow short miles. I sometimes struggle getting out the door when I have 8 tempo miles on the schedule, but 3-4 easy? No problem. I heart mini-half marathon tapers. :)
I did a stellar 4 miles in a steady downpour of rain and loved every minute of it. I wore a hat so I could do without the rain pelting me in the eye, and had a blast. [Random note: I was a lifeguard for....7-8 years? And hated swimming with my face in the water. I hate getting it wet, what can I say? Don't ask what this says about my future budding tri career. :p] It was very refreshing to return home, drenched, but not by my own perspiration, and by the elements instead.
This morning I hit the bike path for an eas 3 miles. The cool temps are making me so stinkin' happy. The wind, however, is making me want to line my pockets with heavy rocks. When it was time to turn around on the trail, I wanted to keep going! Ooooh just realized the next time my feet hit that part of the trail I'll be rounding out the final mile and a half of my half. Bring it.
Check out the trifecta of CSN giveaways, like whoa:
Evolving through Running
Shut up and Run
Oh, one more thing.... GO SAINTS. ;)
Great goals! Good luck at your race. :-)
you got this! you totally got this!
Nice goal, wishing you more success on that. Keep up the good race!!!
And once you run a 1:48 half, you can certainly run a 3:40 marathon with me at your side! :)
GOAL "A" ALL THE WAY! Stay calm and relaxed for the first 6 miles and then pounce on the race like a tiger. Good Luck
Get after it! Hope to see a 1:45 race report next week!
And +1 on the cool temps. I feel SO much faster right now than I did a few weeks ago when it was in the upper 80s.
Good luck this weekend!! Hope you have a great race!
You are totally going to rock this girl!!!
good luck and have fun out there--cannot wait to hear about your new PR!
How cool you're going sub-1:50! Very impressive.
Good luck this weekend! You are going to rock that A goal!
I have a feeling you're going to walk away with 1:48:32. Your friend will be robbed by 1 second. Awww bittersweet. :)
Woohoo, that's an awesome list of goals. I'd be happy with any of them! Good luck!
1:48 is YOURS!
Text me after!!
Good luck Jeri! You are going to rock it! I have a good feeling about this one:)
I hope the race is going well b/c you're running right now! or you're done, but haven't updated your Twitter (stalker alert, I checked) ;) Go, Jeri, GO!
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