When they arrived in the mail, I immediately put them on. Because my legs were a-hurtin' after a tough tempo run. After wearing them around for a few hours cooking dinner (= eating ice cream) and lounging around my apartment, I was kind of in love:
I had previously thought that I didn't have a need for compression socks because my calves don't really get tired/sore after runs. Well apparently that's not their purpose per-say....
Taken from a Running Times article:
Compression socks are aimed at improving oxygen delivery to muscles, speeding lactic acid removal and stabilizing the lower leg for greater muscle efficiency.
According to a study, conducted at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, subjects showed a faster lactate recovery rate after exercise when wearing the compression socks, suggesting that compression socks might speed recovery after a strenuous workout or a race.
When I took the socks off before bed, my legs felt fresh enough to do another run. I normally have lingering fatigue in my legs for almost a full day after tough workouts (intervals, tempo runs, long runs) which is why I set my schedule to have an easy day after these runs. Goodness they were happy!
If you go to Oxysox and use jerbear10 at the check out you'll get 30% off your order.
Also, coming soon: a MONSTER (seriously it's monstrous) giveaway including a pair of Oxysox. Whoo! But that shouldn't prevent you from getting your discounted pair. If your legs love you with one pair of compression socks, it only makes sense that they would love you doubly with two pairs. ;)
It appears that one leg is longer than the other....no wonder I keep getting random small injuries.
Oh hey, speaking of random injuries.... ugh. I'm 99% certain that I have a case of runner's knee. My knee felt weird on my 6 miler last week, and hurt all day Thursday and Friday. After icing and icing and icing, and then icing a couple of more times, I tried to test it out Monday on an easy run. Really I just want to run my 1000th mile for the year. Yes, I'm still at 999.4. I made it :37 seconds before I had to turn around and walk home.
After taking some time to reflect on the "injury" (I'm using injury loosely here, since everything I've read/been told makes it seem like this is more of an annoying condition than a full blown injury....and I'll totally be ok with that distinction), I've realized that it's probably just my body's way of saying it needs a break. I tend to take a day or two off after a major race and throw myself right back in to training for the next race. My body seems to give me little random injuries every few months to encourage a week off.
I think it may also be a blessing in disguise, because, to be honest, I was still a little bitter about the half marathon. It's much easier to put the hard work in when you're seeing awesome results (yes, I'm totally that runner, extrinsic rewards? yes please!). When you put in the hard work and fail (yes I know I didn't fail, I'm being dramatic) it's easy to lose a little bit of your drive. I have a feeling that forcing my body to take some time off is only going to fuel the training fire.
Today I hit the trails on Miss Princess Leia and we decided to haul a little bit of booty. At one point I had to bike super duper fast (for me) to pass a couple of people on bikes, while another was coming in an opposite direction. After I had passed them I realized that quicker speed was totally doable, and continued to maintain that pace for the remaining 6-8 miles.
I did 16.07 miles in 1:05:15 for 14.85 mph.
So jealous of the compression socks. I am too cheap to buy a pair. :) Hope your "condition" improves soon - way to get out on the bike!
Love compression. Socks, tights, shorts, whatever I can get my hands on.
Hope your knee feels better...
Seriously - you have never have issues with your calves? Wow! I need to run with you and copy your form. My tight calves after most long runs is the cause of all my achilles and ankle issues I have been told. I have compression socks. Yet, mine or the cheap -o ones from my local CVS or Walgreens. My wife laughs at me when I where them. Not just because of the hip (black) dork look. But she has had to wear them with each pregnancy we have had. Yes, they are her prego socks.
Welcome to the compression world and score for getting them gratis. I can't imagine running without them now.
great giveaway! BTW one of your toes is longer on your left foot - made you look!
you totally just sold me on compression socks, esp the 'black, can wear them to work' statement! I'm getting some tomorrow. My calves (my legs, not baby cows) have been killing me since Sunday's run so I hope these will do the trick.
I wonder how these compare to CEP socks. I use Zensahs now...but I plan to grab a pair of CEP's because I keep hearing they are the most amazing ever.
OneLittleGirl - I have the CEP sleeves and they are pretty sweet. Though like Jerbear, I rarely have true calf issues, they do seem to help get the "pep" back in my legs more quickly.
I was the same way about compression socks. I never get calf cramps, so I thought they weren't for me. Some of my co-workers at the running store say that compression socks drive them crazy after a few hours, but I think they're rather comfortable.
Bummer about the RK, but I'm really glad that you're taking it in stride and listening to your body. Good job!
I need to check these out, I've heard nothing but great things about the socks.
Great job on the bike! And yes, your body will give you little hints that it's time to recover and xt before hitting it hard again. Are you still running vegas full? Can't wait to hear about it, such a fun race (and place for a race!)
i LOVE my oxysox!!! they definitely work!
hope the knee feels better asap!
I need like compression pants if they work as well as you say!! I totally want the socks but they are so expensive!
LOVE the compression socks.
I have chronic runners knee and just wear knee straps to put it back into alignment. Works for me!
I've been meanbing to add some compression gear to my wardrobe. Maybe these are the ones...
And don't let a "bad" performance get you down. I let the L.A. Marathon do that to me and I'v been fighting to get the mojo back ever since. Harden up!
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