Cue Miss America Music.....Isn't she lovely???? :)
I have been looking on craigslist for a bike for over a year now. I knew I wanted a beach cruiser type bike, but didn't know whether I wanted one that looked old school or actually was old school. When I found this beauty I was in love. After a weekend without internet, I jumped online a week ago Monday to find that her listing was gone. I was heart broken. A few days later I had an email from the seller asking if I was still interested. It was destined to be. :) She joined my family on Monday and it's 2rue love 4ever 4 sure. When she first arrived I immediately started thinking of names: Sunshine, Banana Split (yes apparently I was taking names for My Little Ponys, whatev), when it hit me--Polly. My buddy Matt cued the middle name as Sunshine, and the rest is history. Of course Monday was 40 mph winds, and yesterday I didn't have time to take her out, and today is 30+ mph winds again. I still may take her for a short jaunt to the local library. I'm so happy. Heheh. :)
On Monday night I decided to say pooh-pah to an easy run and do my speed workout that I had scheduled for the week. I wanted to do 2 speed workouts this week, and thought my legs would be fresh to do them on a Monday, recovered enough to do another one Thursday, and then be good to go for the easy long run on Saturday. Plus I love me some speed work (have I mentioned that before :) ?)
I haded to the gym with my old running buddy Matt (who was doing his second gym work out of the day, crazy kid) for some 400 m. repeats. My fave. Sidenote: Absolutely NOT MY FAVE when I had to do them in high school, but I digress. I was to do 5 miles; 1 mile warm, 6 x 400 in 1:35 (6:20 pace) w/400 jogs in between, and 1 mile cool down.
Since I had the crazy bike purchase after work, and didn't hit the gym until 8pm, I was STARVING. Definitely not the way to start an intense workout. Uff. I started the workout at a very leisurely 10 min mile pace for the first mile. Then it was ON! After the first 400 sprint/jog, I did have to switch it from jogging 400's to walking .15 as I didn't want to waste any of my waining energy on jogging. Lame, I know.
1 mile warm up 10:00
Interval #1 1:34 (6:16 pace)
Recovery jog 2:35 (10:20 pace)
Interval #2 1:27 (5:48 pace)
Recovery walk 2:34
Interval #3 1:29 (5:56 pace)
Recovery walk 2:38
Interval #4 1:29 (5:56 pace)
Recovery walk 2:42
Interval #5 1:31 (6:04 pace)
Recovery walk 2:44
Interval #6 1:33 (6:12 pace)
Recovery walk 2:44
1/2 mile cool down 4:53 (9:46 pace)
Uff da, I was dead tired after the run, and ooooooooooh soooooooo hungry. But nothing feels better than running fast and hard, that's for sure. It is kind of crazy to think that in 7th & 8th grade (when I ran distance for our HS team, actual high school years, I sprinted) I ran my miles at those paces, only without .15 walk breaks. That's crazy. I think my best mile time was 6:07. I can't imagine doing that now. :p Although it would be fun to see what my mile time is now....hmm.... interesting... :)
Yesterday was a boring, I mean easy, 4 miler. I grabbed my gear after work, had the garmin look for the satellite and I was off. Whoa, Garmin is telling me I'm running a pace of :45. That's kinda of crazy. Then all hell broke loose, it was beeping all over the place, mile 1 clocked in at :02, mile 2 at :04. I stopped, walked back the 10 feet to my apartment, and by the time I got there it read 3.14 for the distance. Does that count as a new 5k PR? I think so! I tried to tinker with it, but decided it wasn't a big deal since it was just a junk mile run. I fished through an old drawer and pulled out the old running watch stand by. This baby has been with me since I started running in 2005. Looks so much cuter on my wrist than man watch aka Garmin. :) We made a good team.
The run was pretty boring, legs were a little tight/tired which is to be expected. Stretched really well post-run. I did the 4 miles in 39:15. I was keeping track of the splits, but gave up.
1. 9:57 ish
2. 9:40 ish
3. ???
4. 39:15-9:40-9:57-??? :)
I spent the evening running to Walmart to get a bike lock for Polly, dropping off the pics from the wedding (they're HILARIOUS!), get ingredients for cookies (nom), and stop by the grandparents for some supplies I was missing for an art project.
Great looking bike. Nice color. As a family we go to the SoCal and San Diego beaches a lot. We always see some hip, or is it hep cat cruising in one. Fun bikes.
Uff and Uff Da? Must be a heavy Scandanavian influence in your family or where you live?
Keep kickin the dirt!
OMG she is so pretty! I am jealous!
Me likely Polly Sunshine! I hope the 2 of you have some wonderful adventures together.
Great job on that speedwork speedster!
That bike is SO stinkin' cute. It should be warm out so you can wear a cute white sun dress and awesome sunglasses and ride around exuding "Summer". :) I love it!
and WHOA those are some fast 400s. I didn't even know you could go that fast on a treadmill! ha, shows how long it's been since I did ANY speedwork....
Dude, Polly is straight up sexxxy :) Have fun with her, haha. Oh, and girl, nice speedwork too- I need to get on that!
Awww love the bike...you'll never lose her with that color!
Awesome intervals...I LOVED quarter repeats in high school. No clue why.
Ah, your bike is awesome! I love beach cruisers because they are so comfortable and soooo cool!
I love Polly Sunshine! She's so pretty.
Welcome to the world of Garmin. Although I've only had the problem you experienced once or twice. My biggest problem these days is my 305 will turn on while in it's charger - so when I go to use it the batteries are dead. Grrrr!
Congrats on the bike! It looks like a classic beach cruiser!
polly is so pretty!!!!!!!!!!!! nice job getting a bike!!!! sometimes craigslist can be such a headache but when it works out it is almost always worth it. love the yellow!!!!
great job with more speedwork! you are on a role!!!
dude did you get a great deal off craigslists...that bike is the bomb!! i love it, yellow is my fav color
That is one GORGEOUS cruiser! Congrats!!
:) Thanks!! That green top your wearing in your header pic is the matching top to my shorts! :) You have to get them!!!
Polly is adorable! Love the color, love the look.
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