Moving on. Tuesday I was a Slacker McSlackerson, and after a pal suggested I "take a rest day" because my legs were sore, I did. Even though my legs were no longer sore/tired. Grrr... Wednesday night I was set to do a speed workout, but a volleyball league meeting ran late, and it's hard to do a tempo run when you can't tell what pace your Garmin is showing you. Instead I did an easy 4 miler.
Silly me forgot to drop off the movie I checked out from the library. Why not run it there? Ok! I probably looked like a fool running with a DVD in my hand, but I got the job done. :) I ran a weird highly populated route, but knew that it would be well lit, so I dealt with the intense exhaust fumes. Blech. I ran TRES slow, as I had planned on waking up this morning to finally knock the speedwork out of the way. (What do you know, I decided to put it off until tonight!! You're killing me Jeri!!)
I don't have my exact splits but I know they ranged from 10:20 for the first one (running through lots of grass w/DVD in hand) to 9:58. My average pace was 10:10. At mile 3, I almost took a detour to look at Halloween costumes in a store that appears to have cropped up over night (as they often times do around Halloween season). I decided not to, but now totally wish I would've. Sweaty and all, looking at the most scandalous costumes they carry. Haha. Jk. Kinda.
Tonight I'm doing a speed sessions fo REALS. :) I decided to do the 3 x 800 with 400 jogs and mile warm up and cool down that my legs didn't feel up for on the schedule from last week, instead of the tempo run I (obviously) have been less than inspired to do. Hopefully all goes well. My apologies for the sporadic posting, but I'm finally getting cable and internet next Thursday, so I will be back in business. :)
Before I go, here are some official race pics I came across from my half. Sadly, there were no finish line pictures. :( Enjoy.

I've done the "running" errands once or twice - totally feel like a Crazy ('cause I always have stufffff in my hands), but whateva! Also, what is it about speedwork these days? Can't seem to motivate myself for that one either. woof.
I've done the run to return DVD's. I'm always paranoid that I look weirdly lopsided!
Good luck with speedwork. You can do it! It's NBD!
Sometimes I run with the mail and fedex shipments. And have even run home with supplies from walgreens :) It's a good way to get everything done in the day! Hope the speed work went well!
Look at you saving the earth. :o) Nice work.
Love the race pictures! I have run to the library before just without the dvd in my hand! have a good weekend!
Great race pictures Jeri!
And Slacker McSlackerson! My alter ego! I'm stealing the name from you!
Finally - no - just becuase the Garmin died didn't mean that I became speedy. In fact, each 500 got slower. Mostly because my dragging toungue was picking up all kinds of gravel tht weighed me down. Beleive me - it was tough!
Have a great weekend!
haha i have "ran" errands a couple times :) its fun!
love the pics!! i dont really care for finish line pics since i am always doing the exact same thing... stopping my garmin :)
hehe i like to run errands, i know it freaks people out but it's so easy!
GREAT PICS! Thanks for the shoutout everything went as well as it could have time wasn't great but I made it across the finish line with a smile! ;-)
Just pretend that the DVD is a baton and you're waiting to hand off to the next person in the relay!
Okay, maybe not.
But what a green way to exercise. :)
you are hilarious!!! absolutely love the fact that you ran to the library to return the dvd and almost detoured (sp?!) to the HCS (Halloween Costume Shop). -cw
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