I hear by give my official resignation. The heat is gone, and quite frankly my bed is now much more enticing than you are. It was a good run (punny!). I'm sure I'll see you again next summer.
As you may recall, back when I attempted and became a morning runner, I did it primarily to keep from melting into a puddle during after work runs/getting abducted running late-late at night. Now that it's in the 40's when 5:30-6 am rolls around, I figure I can throw in the towel. Plus, after work time will always be my favorite time to work out. I think 6 years of post-school practice will do that to a gal. I love running off my work day stress. And it's a great time to people watch.
In an update on the yoga challenge, I have yoga'd every day except for 3. I've found that the most enjoyable days are the ones that I set aside a good chunk of time rather than cramming in a short 15 minute session to "get it over with." Shocker, I know.

Of course, Taylor walked in while I was doing the final stretching and meditative portion (savasana). Side note: Since this is the only part he ever sees me do, he's convinced that that's all yoga is. When I commented that my arms and shoulders are getting more defined, and I think yoga is the cause, he actually asked me how stretching was causing me to get buff. Turd.
Anyway, after I was done, I wanted to show off the new sweet pose that I could do, so I showed him a couple of times and CLEARLY he was impressed. Competitive beast that he also is, he decided to give it a try. First time he fell, second time I gave him some pointers and, shocker, he got up. Granted he was only up for a few seconds, but still. Hmph. I also showed him some harder parts of the series that I did/struggled with, and I think he finally has a grasp on how difficult yoga can be. Hopefully he's intrigued enough to try it with me sometime. :)
I've been searching for a yoga studio in town, and have a couple of promising prospects. There's a studio downtown that offers free classes this Friday, so I might check one out after work. It is considered an Intermediate class though, so I might call and see what Intermediate consists of, because embarrassing the heck out of myself will probably cause me to NEVER go back. Also, our new health insurance at work has a couple of gyms with deals of $20 off monthly membership if you attend 4x/month. One of them is an AMAZING gym, with pool, basketball courts, tons of fitness classes, etc. etc., which would be about $45/month. They offer 3 free trials for potential members, so I figure I can try some classes out there too.
Also, I'm getting my hairs did tonight! Whoo. I'm pretty excited. I went more blonde this summer, and it's starting to look trash-tastic all grown out and such, so I'm going back to dark and beautiful. :) Perhaps I'll have some pics to share with you manana. More likely, I will forget to take any, and then will be forced to take some post-6 miles in the morning. Sweaty=sexy. :)
Yes, I love before/after hair pics!
I'm the exact same way about running after work. It's totally left over from years of post-school practice.
Love the new look!
You're letter to morning running totally cracked me up! :)
Haha, peace out morning running! I'm with ya on that one...8+ years of afternoon running has made me like that time better. Plus it's getting colder and darker in the morning..brr!!
Oh no jeri i dont even know what to say!! I feel abandoned and sad!! lol just kidding. Running in the mornings during winter is tough because it is so dark and cold!!
I hate how guys can pick up on anything athletic right away. It makes me want to keep my husband from running (I don't think I could handle it if he beat me in his first race). :)
Morning running in cool/cold weather is no fun! Good luck with the yoga class - hope it works out for ya!
"Competitive beast that he also is" Haha! hey, now he knows yoga is not all stretching!
you better have some pics of that up-do :)
oh, also...uh, 40 degrees?! ehh, I'm glad I'm not where you are. SO not ready for That temp yet
Yes, hair pictures, please!
Urgh, being a morning runner is so much harder when it gets cold. Booooo!
i hate challenging myself to find i am just cramming/getting it over with. i love that you pointed this out. i need more to happen naturally rather than forcing. on my to do list: yoga and core work. so hopefully i find good times to get this done! i haven't been to the gym for a month! or maybe more..?! yikes. too much running! :)
oh-- and i resigned a LONNNGGG time ago:) hehehe welcome to the club.
I really love afternoon/evening running. I think it's a little tougher (we're less fresh, can be tired, and I'm usually cranky from the day's stresses), but I use it as my meditative period.
And just in case Taylor doesn't think Yoga is very athletic, let him know that my son was *required* to do yooga as part of his High School baseball program. And my son (rower) had to do the same. I think yoga does more to strengthen than any weightlifting could ever do....
Jeri, you are so funny! Great post. Can't wait to see the new do.
And, absolutely love the resignation letter...LOL! Hope you find the perfect yoga studio. You deserve a good one. :) -cw
It's so nice now that it's not so hot out and I can run after work. I have zero energy when I try to go out first thing in the morning. Much more productive runs after work...
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