I've been the proud owner of an astigmatism since age 8, that's approximately 17 years. I grew up playing sports, starting basketball in the 4th grade. From 4th grade on, countless basketballs smashed into my face, crushing my glasses, and giving me black eyes. The summer before 7th grade (the year we could try out for the JV squad) the basketball coach approached my mom and TOLD her she needed to get me contacts. Even though money was pretty tight in my family, especially at that time with my bro just leaving for college, my mom somehow managed to make it work, and rid me of my 4-eyed ways.
Now since this time, 13 years ago, I have yet to wear my glasses to work out. After suffering through the poor peripheral vision and my over perspiration causing the glasses to slip down my nose and off my face, why would I go back? Well, a stupid eye infection. I get eye infections like no one's business. Just look at me funny and my eye will turn bright red and gunk up. (Sexy, no?) This current infection has been on again off again for the last 6 weeks. After wearing my contacts for a couple of hours on Monday, I knew there was no way I was going to shove them back in my eye for a run.
Since my last 3 training runs for the half marathon are all easy 4 milers, I decided to spice up Monday's run a bit by doing hills. Since I've neglected the hills since the horror that was the WWR, my legs were finally up for them. I started off running, and immediately started freaking out. I'm a bit...well..blind, and running at night, in glasses will FREAK YOU OUT! I couldn't see anything except for straight in front of me. One dude passed me on a bike, and I almost decked him for "sneaking" up on me. Peripheral vision, I miss you so!
At the one mile mark, I stopped to stretch out the legs, and also de-sweat the nose pad on the glasses and my nose, to cut down on the slippage. Well I didn't account for the extreme slippage of my sweaty hands and almost dropped them! I did some crazy ninja/globetrotter catch, but if I would've dropped them I would've been SCREWED. Down on all fours, feeling around in the grass/sidewalk at 9:30pm is not my idea of fun.
Throughout the run I got to practice the nerdy glass push up, exhibited in the above picture. Especially when I started doing the downhill portions of the extreme uphills. I must've looked liked a fool with my body going down, but my head leaning up. :p Luckily, there weren't too many other follies for the run and I (and my glasses) made it home safe. Safe to say that I won't be wearing them again (hopefully).
I did 4 miles of hills in 38:14 for a pace of 9:34. Not too shabby.
1. 10:01
2. 9:31
3. 9:30
4. 9:09
2. 9:31
3. 9:30
4. 9:09
When I walked in the door, the following convo ensued:
Taylor: How was your run?
And that is why I love him....because he accidentally thinks I'm soooooo much faster than I really am. :)
Me: It was awesome. First time doing hills since the Wild West Relay.
Taylor: It kind of took you awhile didn't it? I thought you'd be back in about 28 minutes...
Me: You think I run 7 minute miles? You're so cute. :)
He so gets 10 brownie points! :)
The glasses situation sounds sooooo annoying!!!! :(
dude, i bet you looked hot running with those glasses on...think of it this way, i run w/o my contacts OR glasses when my eyes are trip'n...and i'm totally blind w/o either. it's a hilarious site, i fall into at least one hole or hit one pole at some point...
and how cute of the boy. all mine says is, "you're going so slow. keep up woman! i take one step when you take two!" not scoring brownie points eh?
oh I feel your pain. mine are sliding down my nose and I'm not even doing anything but typing :) nice workout despite the glasses!
awww your man is so cute! Man I guess I should be blessed not have to wear glasses, "yet" LOL
Gurrrrl, you make nerd glasses look HOT!
Gah I hate wearing my glasses, especially when running! Stupid allergies...
Ha! he also noticed you were 'gone for a while'. thats cute too ;)
Ugggg I cant imagine running in my glasses. I was thinking about getting the eye surgery but they make you wear your glasses for 2 weeks prior to the pre-surgery consult and then the surgery!!
You know, some folks just can't do glasses. If you're picture is an indication - you have nothing to worry about my dear - they look great on you!
Hope you're able to take care of the eye infection, but in the meantime don't fret!
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