Prior to doing the marathon, I had wanted to do a half marathon in mid-June. I found one and created my training program to start 8 days after the marathon. Turns out 8 days was this Monday. On the schedule 3 x 1600 @ 7:28-7:45 pace. What the hell was I thinking putting my most loathed workout right off the bat?? Silly Jerbear.
The crazy thing was, I was actually excited about doing the mile repeats because I was so stinkin' sick of not running. Since it's currently late July- August weather outside (90+ degrees +100% humidity+ 40 mph winds = wtf???) I headed immediately to the gym. Hey, when it's this hot, you get your warm up and sweat-on during the drive too the gym. Who needs a warm up? Seriously...yuck.
I got to the gym and got going on my mile warm up. Body assessment: knees are a bit tight but feel good otherwise. I stretched after the first mile and then got to it. I was surprised at how great the first mile felt--7:37. I was not surprised about the copious amounts of sweat pouring off of me. I chose to walk the first .1 of my recovery 1/2 mile and jog the last .4 of it. As soon as I started the slow jog my IT bands were screaming at me. I decided to give the second mile repeat a go to see if they speed would loosen them up. Nope. After another quarter mile I realized that doing the full mile would probably just do my harm then go, so opted to bump up the speed a smidge and end with an 800 m. instead. I finished it in 3:46. I did another 1/2 mile walk/jog cool down.
I did 3.5 miles in 33:09.
warm up | 1 Mi | 9:39 | 9:39 | 9:39 | |||
Interval | 1 Mi | 7:37 | 17:16 | 7:37 | |||
Recovery | 0.5 Mi | 6:21 | 23:37 | 12:42 | |||
Interval | 0.5 Mi | 3:46 | 27:23 | 7:32 | |||
Recovery | 0.5 Mi | 5:48 | 33:11 | 11:36 |
I stretch stretch stretched and then hit the stationary bike for some ridiculous gossip mag catch up and more leg loosening up. I think I'll omit the rest of my speed work this week for some easy runs and then hit the ground running (<----yeah... I went there....) next week, since I only have 5 weeks till race day. WHOO!!!

And in still more aren't you sick of hearing about my marathon news: I found a video of me starting the race! I was pretty excited because my parents were beyond bummed they couldn't be there, so they were able to see me run 2 seconds of my 4 hour and 12 minute race. ;) You can see me at 1:30-1:33 running towards the middle in my pink shirt and green shorts. :D
Make sure to check out Beth at Shut Up and Run's Sweet givewaway!!
Way to go on your run!
that's so cool you have a video of yourself!!!!
and i love someecards. they are hilarious. if you are looking for something to waste time on go to the site and browse their cards. too funny. and mostly inappropriate. hehe.
great job jumping back into training! it took me 2+ months before i felt like doing that. i guess having a race you are looking forward to definitely helps!!! keeps the excitement. plus the half distance will feel short in comparison :) good luck!
Nice find of the video. Thanks for giving me the time you were on otherwise I would have had no shot of finding you.
Read a few RW articles on post marathon recovery or look up Running Times. If it were me - I would take another 5-7 more days off at least. You have more than enough miles banked to take more time off before running an HM end of June.
Also very amazed you get that many miles out of your Asics. You must weigh 50 pounds! :) My last NB's lasted 250 miles tops.
I'm convinced that all shoes, even those of the same make and model, are different. I got about 325 miles out of my first pair of Adrenalines before they started abusing my knees. On pair #2 I have 470 miles and they still feel pretty good; although out of fear I've recently restricted them to "easy miles" duty.
Good call on holding off on the speed work the rest of this week . . .wait until you are fully recovered from the marathon!
I think if you feel ok it's cool to run now...but definitely don't push through speedwork, it would crazy suck to not be able to run the next race because you're injured from push too hard too soon. It's odd because we feel recovered, but really aren't
Hi Jeri,
Wow, that was a great video! I was amazed at how many people were running in it:)
I am glad to hear that you are feeling okay to start running again:) Please do not push it though...make sure you are giving your body time to fully recover.
I hope that you have a great day Jeri!
Nice job on the 1600s. I think listening to my body is one of the hardest things to do. I'm sure you made the right choice. I hope the new shoes and a little less intensity help! Do you use a foam roller for your ITB?
Those someecards are the best! And way to try out the mile repeats 8 days after the fact. I still can only stand some mild pick-ups at this point :) But it is smart to hold off a little while longer on the speed. You aren't losing anything at this point!
Ah, Someecards kick ass! They always crack me up. Once I get on that site, all hope is lost for productivity. the Celtic music (right?) in the video :) Go runner, Jeri, go! ha. I can't believe you're already into another training cycle! be nice to those legs :)
I love someecards. A lot!
Congrats again...and how cool to see that video!
love the interval workout! glad to see you are back out there again. :) also really love the race photos!
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