I started my adventure to the land of cheese and awesomeness on Friday morning. I headed to the rental car place to pick up my flyyyyyy ride, grabbed an iced latte from Starbucks and some snacks for the weekend and I hit the road. Btw, my obsession with iced lattes is getting way out of hand. I literally crave one every minute of every day. More so than ice cream at this point. Insane.
I was supposed to meet up with Alyssa and Steph for lunch, but due to some unforeseen scheduling issues, it didn't work out. SO BUMMED! But we will hang out some time fo sho. :) I powered through the drive, stopping only for potty breaks (which was roughly every 100 miles for my tiny coffee fueled bladder). The first time I saw a road sign for mileage to Green Bay, I got all teary eyed. Can we say emotional taper beast? Holy crap. I got to town 8 hours later and after some minor getting lost, finally got to my hotel. It. Was. Fab. I stayed in the Aloft hotels, and they were amazing.
King sized bed for the princess. ;) I loved the funky interior of the hotels. Totally my taste/style.
Macbook loooooved being able to sleep next to me at night. (I loved it as well. Way better than a dude.)
I had planned to do some exploring of the great city but I was struck with the worst headache EVER. I ordered up some dinner and hit the hay early. Of course, I managed to wake up in the middle of the night thinking that Saturday was race day and I hadn't set an alarm. Silly brain.
While at the expo I met up with Neil for some pre-race chatter. He discussed the course a bit since he's familiar with the area, and totally helped set my mind at ease. We parted ways so I could go to the first timer's presentation, which was also great at calming my brain. Such a good program they have and yet another reason I'm glad Green Bay was my first.
After forking over only $20 at the expo (I'm just as shocked as you are), it was time to find some chow. I checked my list of "must eats" I'd been compiling from friends and decided Curly's Pub would be a great choice.
Curly Lambeau poster leading up the stairs to the restaurant and amazing ceiling. I wouldn't mind having that as my ceiling. The food, sadly, wasn't that great. But I was doing a strict no-dairy prior to the race to avoid any digestive issues, and they're obviously known for some amazingly cheesy dishes. So sad. My special Curly Ale totally made up for the not so amazing food. No dairy means no amazing ice cream either. One single tear. :'(

I also knew I needed to make a stop in the Packers Pro Shop. I promised my debit card that I would go easy on her. Can I say...kid in a candy shop? Because....ya. I could've easily spent $10,000 in that store. No joke. I was impressed I walked out down only $110, and the proud new owner of a Greg Jennings jersey and fabulous hoodie.
Even though I wanted to hang out at the expo for hours, I made myself head back to my hotel so my legs could rest. But not before taking some cute pictures. I have a feeling this is what heaven's gates will look like. :) God's totally a Packers fan.

After taking more photos of the field, I actually overheard a lady say, "Oooooooh so there's actually a guy this place is named after?!?!" I swear to God my jaw dropped. :)
Then it was lights out for this chica, and well...you know the rest. :) The drive home sucked, to put it mildly. Although, I managed to make it home in 7 hours and 15 minutes instead of the 8 hours it took me to get there. Never again will I drive the day after a marathon. Lesson learned. I have never been as happy to be reunited with my ice pack as I was Monday afternoon. :)
Hi Jeri,
Oh, it looks like you had so much fun! Thanks for sharing the great pictures:) Lambeau Field is amazing...my husband would be jealous! I am so sorry that you had to drive home the day after the marathon:( I am sore just thinking about it. Ouch! Congrats again....you had a fabulous finish time!
I'm impressed that you only spent $110 at the Packer pro shop. We seriously spent $500. Of course, did you look at all the little kid stuff? You should see Sophie in the packers outfits, doing her little Go Pack Go cheer. Priceless. :)
Great Ad for the Marathon. Thanks Jeri.
Great pictures. Sounds like you have an amazing time! Thanks for sharing.
That hotel room looks so cool!! What a wonderful time :)
Too cool!! I was at Lambeau once when I was a kid and it looks totally different now. Time to go back and visit! And maybe run a marathon or catch a FB game while there...
That hotel room looks sweet! Looks like a good time leading up to the marathon.
The fact that this was your first time seeing Lambeau Field makes running through it even more exciting!
I've been feeling the iced latte obsession lately, too, and I just came across what may be the most delicious thing I've ever had to drink. It's a mocha cappucchino protein drink by the company Bolthouse Farms, and it's super delicious! I originally picked it up just because I wanted something frappacino-esqe and now I'm going to use it for a recovery drink after running. Here's a link to more info, if you're interested: http://bolthouse.com/our-products/beverages/proteins/perfectly-protein-mocha-cappuccino/detail
Aww, you look so happy. Green and yellow agrees with you. :o)
Nice tour Jeri! I've never been to Wisconsin, much less Green Bay. It looks really beautiful!
Sounds like you are recovering just fine. What's next?
Glad to hear you enjoyed your time in Wisconsin! Feel free to come back and visit!
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