After putzing around all afternoon, I finally got myself drug out the door to do my final long run before the race--an easy 8 miler. I decided to load up the SPIbelt with the 4 GUs I plan to carry on race day to make sure I could get it fitted properly today vs. next Sunday and figure out how the heck to wear it.
Initially I started out with the pouch on my backside. After .1 miles I determined that was NOT going to work. Junk in the trunk? Um...ya, you could say that. I adjusted the belt so the pouch was towards the back of my left hip and it seemed to sit just fine. I also wore it low so the belt was on my waist band of my shorts in the front and just below in the back. I'm going to make sure to body glide that area of my body very well so I don't have issues on race day.
But on to the run. I decided to wear the Garmin, but not look at it for the run, with the exception of my mile times (I admit, sometimes I'm an obsessive Garmin watcher, typically on long runs and speed workouts). I started the run at a very *VERY* easy pace, estimating in the range of 9:30-9:45. Turns out the taper is doing marvelous things for my legs. After the first two miles I consciously slowed down the pace, but the miles still flew by.
1. 9:02 2. 9:06 3. 9:25 4. 9:22 5. 9:30 6. 9:29 7. 9:33 8. 9:30
I did 8 miles in 1:15:01 for a pace of 9:22.
I did a lot of thinking about my grandma on this run. My grandma was my bestest friend when I was little and she played a major role in raising me as a little tyke while my mom was working full time and my dad was going to school full time 2 hours away. I've already decided to dedicate the final mile of my marathon to her (and to be honest I typically dedicate the final mile of my most major races to her). She's a fab lady. Seriously, I feel bad that you guys didn't get the fortune of meeting her. :)
Anyway, usually every spring I run a local race that supports breast cancer on this weekend. My grandma passed away from cancer and this race typically falls on her birthday. Unfortunately, because of the marathon next weekend, I opted not to run this race. Instead this was my 8 mile run for my grandma. Also, I noticed the other day that the pansies that were outside my apartment last fall had cropped up again and multiplied immensely. Since they were my grandma's favorite flowers I decided to snap some photos and share them with you guys. I'm tempted to safety pin one to my shoe for race day. :)

I just love that it looks like they have little faces. :)
Check out skinny runner's GU giveaway!!!
that junk in the trunk situation is a mofo ain't it? I LOOOOVE my SPIbelt...amazing thing. Good job on your taper..I think you're gonna ROCK your race. Lastly, but most importantly, it's amazing the signs God puts infront of us that allow us to reflect, and sometimes communicate, with loved ones that've passed. Maybe that was Her way of saying hello and good good on your race!!
Nice job on the last long run! Very sweet of you to dedicate miles to your grandma. I'm sure she will be with you race day.
What a sweet tribute to your grandma!
Good job with your training, you are definitely ready for Green Bay. I am so excited for you! (am I starting to sound like a broken record yet?)
I need a belt! I carried my GUs for my race.. bad idea, it was so annoying! Good idea testing it out!
Your Grandma sounds like a great lady! & that's so awesome that you are dedicating your last mile to her. The last mile is so emotional and amazing, you. will. love. it!
6 days.
I've bought some of the lamest things with gift certificates. Like this "weather station" that I never use and my girlfriend makes fun of me for all the time...haha. Should have bought GU. :)
I don't know how long it has been since I have seen purple pansies. Had lots growing up in Seattle. Thanks for the visual reminder of my childhood. I am positive your Grandma is quite proud of you. Thanks for sharing.
Have you tried Hammer Gels over Gu? I like Vanilla, Banana and Huckleberry flavor ones.
Beautiful flowers and sentiments for your grandma. You are going to rock it next weekend and she will be so proud of you!
Spibelt! Great purchase. i LOVE my spibelt. Everything (keys, cell phone, gu) fits in there and it doesn't bounce around.
I'm so with you ....... Blueberry Pomegranate Roctane ...... is my FAV [by FAR!]. But I find mine for $1.49?! I'll send you some!!!! :)
The tribute to your Grandma was perfect. Honestly, I could have said the same about my Grandma, so hearing your words touched my heart. Thank you.
I love my spibelt. I have one with 2 pockets. It tends to ride up if I don't cinch it up tight enough. Love it, otherwise. you can shove a lot of stuff in those pockets!
Your grandma sounds like a fabulous lady!
You are doing such an amazing job with your running I wish I had your stamina!
Way to go Jeri! $2.49 for Gu Roctanes?!?!? I'll stick with my $1.25 Hammer Gels thank you. You think you're cheap?
Best of luc this weekend. I'll be emailing you today so I can be n official stalker.....
MARATHON WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhh SO SO SO excited for you :) cannot wait to see how it goes.
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