Anywho, after work it was off to the ol' gym to get in a b.a. tempo run. Now I must mention that my gym is rightnexttoaDQ. And in the 2 years that I've been a member there, I have gone to DQ exactly zero times after a workout. If you know how much I luuuuuuuuurve ice cream, you realize this is quite the feat. Well after tonight, I still have that streak in tact, because I hit up DQ before my run. Yup....that's how I roll.

But of course heading to DQ/the gym couldn't be an easy task, it had to be an adventure. YAYZIES! I think I've made it pretty clear that I'm d-u-m-b when it comes to cars. Well surprise surprise I also suck at driving them. If I ever get me lots o' monies, you best believe I'll be paying someone to drive me around. Anywho, while traveling to DQ/gym I got stuck behind a car trying to make a left hand turn into an apartment complex. Sadly, this car was on flat ground just north of a nice little mini-hill I needed to climb. Snowy roads+tires that aren't made for snowy roads+not so great on snow driver Jeri = wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
And wheeeeeeeee = the sound of my tires spinning.
I had to pull some crazy turn around maneuver to back track and get turned around once again, gain some momentum and make my way UP and OVER the little hill. Car success! Ack. How many years til I can afford that driver??
I had a pretty rockin' tempo run, so I guess all was good in the 'hood. I did 5 miles with 3 at tempo (8:06, 8:12, 8:02).
Um, yum!! I hate that I read this right before bed because now I want one! What kind did you get?
That's just good planning on the blizzard! I hope it stayed nice and frozen but not TOO frozen! (Or maybe they put something in them to keep the ice cream soft? Along with, you know, the crack?)
Nice tempo too!
whoo hoo fast run! And that is soo funny..and SO something I would do. I love DQ blizzards, if there was one that close to my gym I would be screwed. Every night in the summer I must have ice cream, I can't even tell you how many times I walked the mile to the DQ by my house. And We got a work snow day here in Chicago..It was awesome!
ah i do love you.
annnd i could totally hear the wheeeee noise because NYC drivers happen to think that if you let that go on long enough, your car will magically start moving. false kids, false.
I love the "i suck at car" tag. And I'm with you...once I'm making enough money I'm hiring a DRIVER. Not a chef or cleaning woman, but someone to drive my ass around...everywhere.
Ah, Dairy Queen. How do I love thee, let me count the ways... Anyhow, I think I may need our seasonal DQ to hurry up and open so I can satisfy my blizzard craving.
You know it's cold when you can leave your blizzard waiting in the car for an hour :-)
This is the best idea ever!!!
You have DQ where you live? That's fantastic! My husband is crazy about the butterfinger blizzards. We have a million DQ's in Texas.
That was a great tempo run and you got to reward yourself with a treat afterwards. Cool!
i love your green shoes!
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