Last Saturday morning I jumped out of bed at 9:15 to head to my local Barnes and Noble to purchase my new nooky poo. Armed with groupon + birthday present gift card (Thanks LC!) I was ready to go. I brought it home, ready to download the 3rd book in the Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood series, only to realize it was checked out: disappointment #2. From there I set about finding any book that I could read, and settled on Wicked. After spending an hour or so trying to download the proper stuff for my computer and Nook, I was ready to throw both the Nook and my MacBook against the wall. Seriously, I'm pretty technologically savvy but I was feeling dummmmmmmmb: disappointment #3.
After 2 1/2 hours messing around, I finally hit the gym (so of course what little I had for breakfast was gone out of my stomach causing me to be starving and have a sucky mcsucksuck run, cutting it short 7 miles). Luckily the Nook comes with a few free books downloaded to it, but unfortunately Little Women was not the sort of "mindless reading" I was looking forward to while logging a long run.
I didn't have another chance to mess around with the Nook until Sunday afternoon pre-Superbowl. At which point I stated, "I am SERIOUSLY going to cry slash throw a tantrum" at least 12-18 times. Another hour and a half passed with no success.

Monday night after work i decided to give it one more go around and restored my Nook to it's original factory settings and tried again to get it to work (with bated breath and crossed fingers)..... by God it WORKED. It's ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE! Total time spent: 6 1/2 hours. For the record, I could've easily finished a book and a half in that time frame.
(P.S. check out my sweet GOLD nail polish that I tracked down for the Superbowl. GO PACK GO!)

Also, I received an email from Barnes and Noble on Friday advertising half off on their Kate Spade Nook covers. I had originally wanted the pink one, but wasn't a huge fan of the orange on the inside, plus I didn't want to match Jenn. :p Jk, that wouldn't bother me at all. But I loved this black and read one. So chic.
I was hanging out with KK the other night (meaning he was playing Tiger Woods with his roomies...uh joy....) so I pulled out The Help from my purse in hardcover form (checked out from the library natch). He just rolled his eyes at me for not using my new Nook that I spent all the monies on. Traditionalist up in here.... don't hate. ;)
Edited to add: Ok, since I original wrote this post I read and completed my first book via nook, Club Dead. But in my defense, while being on my deathbed, I wasn't able to go to the library to renew my book stash. And I kind of loved it. So there.
Happy Valentine's Day to all of my lovely lovey loverfaces out there. I love you all and hope you have a super sweet day. :D
I love books so much I have been hesitant to get any sort of e-reader. But that cute case makes me rethink things a little. :)
I will refrain from spewing forth any negativity towards you e-reader. I have mixed feeling about them b/c I am such a traditionalist when it comes to books, but I like anything that makes people read more. Hmm . . . quandary!
My main question is, how do you read while running on the treadmill? I can hardly look at pictures from a magazine. I get motion sickness and have to stare at a fixed point right in front of me, or I'll either get sick or fall off the treadmill. Granted, a swing set will make me queasy, so I might just be me.
Glad you finally got the Nook working! Why is technology so hard sometimes!!
Im glad you finally got it to work! I can't decide if I should look into getting one of those or not.. I don't really buy a ton of books right now but I love to read. I might end up just spending lots of money all the time. Hope your feeling better!
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