Buy it here.
I want to put this on my new Coach purse as a charm-dealy-bobby. So cuuuuuuuuuuute!
Peacock Rain boots
Ooops. I wanted these so much I got them. And they came in the mail the next day. And the shipping was fo FREE. Jerbear = in love.
A 365 day calendar that you fill in sections of the heart each day based on: Time together, Conversation, Caress-Kisses and Sex. l-o-v-e. Too bad the shipping is insane b/c it's in Europe. :(

I tend to love most things bicycle related.... ooh! I think I still have a groupon for skreened!!
This print would look fabuloso in my living room.
Drat. I can't find the link for this anymore. Please let me know if you know its whereabouts so I can link it!
I also want this to hang up in my soon-to-be mini-office area.
Thursday night I did my first "pace" workout. For the rest of my training, these workouts will typically be done the day before my long runs, so I have tired legs to start with, but since I revamped my program I thought that would be a baaaaaaad baaaaaaad idea after just getting back in to the swing of things. I had 4 miles at marathon pace on deck (approx. 8:59).
I did a quick 1/2 mile warm up before stretching the junk out of my legs left over from my 800s and then I was on. Since I was stuck on the treadmill, I had to be just slightly faster than my pace. It was super fun to run at marathon pace. It's easy (easy for 4 miles, we'll see if it's easy for slightly less than 4 hours) but not mindlessly easy. I could still read a trashy gossip mag while running, but just not as easily. ;)
I did 4.5 miles in 40:36 for a pace of 9:00. My 4 pace miles were 8:52, 8:56, 8:57, 8:56.
Great run minus the intensely painful stomach cramps I endured throughout. Lunabar... I'm looking at you (which is sad because you're usually so gentle on my tummy... sad face....)
im so glad you got the peacock boots... my best friend has them and they are super cute.
i also think i need that blogs and coffee print :)
love the boots. I dig this installment : )
LOVE the boots!!! Want the boots!!!
Great job on the pace workout!! I also had problems with Lunabars.
How fantastic are those boots and that print. Great finds! Happy weekend!
Approximately 8:59? haha.
I loooove the blogs and coffee print...need one!!
Umm obsessed with those boots!!
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