This weekend I had some super de duper crappy runs. Friday night I had 5.35 miles to run and I felt like I was going to die for 99% of it. Mental note: scarfing down wheat thins and hummus 5 seconds before heading out for a run because you're "starrrrrrrrrrrrrving" will cause your stomach to be pisssssssssed.
Saturday I had big plans to hit up my local Barnes and Noble to treat myself to my new nook, and then to take it for a test drive on the treadmill for my ten mile long run. Long story short (for now) I wasn't able to get the library book I wanted downloaded on to the Nook, and it took me much longer to get to that conclusion than I had initially planned. So by the time I started my long run, I was already hungry. And I've been feeling under the weather. And I quit the run at 3 miles. Dedication.... I haz it.

I briefly considered making up my remaining 7 miles Sunday before the Superbowl, but that was pretty far-fetched. Original Superbowl outfit included super sweet green sparkly clover headband (see right) until I realized that the boy probably wouldn't be seen with me sporting them (just wait for St. Patty's day kid....muhahahahhaha) and that I wouldn't be able to wear my lucky gold hair ribbon/headband that had been providing GB with excessive luck over the past 5-6 weeks of wearing it. For some reason, no photos were taken of Superbowl celebrations. At one point, I had made a deal that if the Packers won, I was going to go streaking outside after the game. The fact that we watched the game at a bar, coupled with the fact that it was a gazillion degrees below zero out, PLUS the fact that I didn't actually utter this thought to anyone, allowed me to wuss out. Yayzies.
But seriously.... talk about a happy camper on Sunday. GO PACK GO! :D :D :D :D

And of course on Monday morning I had to continue to represent: rocking a yellow stripey sweater and my Packers scarf.
P.S. What the heck am I going to do with all my time on Sundays!??!?!?!? #IHateTheOffSeason
We're still on a Super Bowl high here in Wisconsin! I so wish I was at Lambeau Field for the Return to Titletown celebration instead of stuck at work. Boo.
And I thought about that same problem today. What the heck am I supposed to on Sundays now?
YAHOO! Can you believe it?! And my husband was THERE at the big game; somehow everything worked out for insanely cheap pricing. WHAAAAT!? Don't worry about the long run, it happens. I ran 3 miles last week :-( And the Nook is a part time job when you first get it, request a billion books and they'll slowly trickle in.
Love your team spirit!!! Cute outfits!!
Jeri, Jeri, Jeri, I had to stop reading your post when you said, "Mental note: scarfing down wheat thins and hummus 5 seconds before heading out for a run because you're "starrrrrrrrrrrrrving" will cause your stomach to be pisssssssssed," My wife and I ran the Krispy Kreme Challenge this weekend. Run 2.3 mile, eat a DOZEN Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Run another 2.3 mile all in under an hour without getting sick! Here is a link to my race report for all the sights and sounds of the epic endeavour of stupidity!:
Also, you can find a 2009 ESPN report on the KKC on youtube.
in case you are wondering, (we both ate the full dozen and compllete the runs without getting sick) . . . wheat thins and Hummus . . . .come on now you can do better than that . . . next year, I see a trip to NC and a Dozen Krispy Kremes in your future! ;)
Ok, Now that I got that off of my chest, I will now continue reading the rest of your post.
P.S. Thank you to your Packers for saving the world from having to hear Steelers fans blather on about their 7th Super Bowl!
I still say you should have worn the shamrocks!
I was happy for you that they won! And I'm sorry about your crappy runs :( I hate it when that happens two times in a row..hopefully this week goes better!
Random thought do you like Shamrock Shakes? I was just getting so excited that they are back and since you seem to love green so much I figured you would like them!
I was cheering for the Steelers to lose, so I guess I supported you....congrats! :)
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