Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Hello Lover! Introducing Polly Sunshine Light....

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
My Adventures to "The Cities"
2. 9:09
See? Tres cute shoes. :)
We did get disposable cameras, so hopefully I'll get some good ones to turn out, but in the meantime, we took full advantage of the photobooth that they had at the reception. Please enjoy. :)
It was easily the most fun I've ever had at a wedding, and it was a blast to be reunited with my college pals. My feet did NOT have nearly as good of a time as I spent most of the night carrying my heels and walking barefoot. Poor bruised foot pads. :( Totally worth it though.
Sunday was spent lying on the couch watch the Vikes game (boo!! Go Pack Go!) as Rhode is a huge fan, and procrastinating the trip home. I finally decided to get ready to go at 1. I started off for home and within a few minutes was confused as to why the speed limit signs were slowly waaaaay down, and then there were the random stop lights. Hmm...not sure why there would be stop lights on the freeway.... And then I realized a street marker indicating that I was NOT on the road I had thought I was and must have exited accidentally (who knows how long ago). No problem, I can just turn around and take the exit to get back on the free way, right? Wrong. I ended up in a residential area, in some quaint downtown looking area, all over the place.
I tried to use my Spidey-sense to figure out which direction I had come from and somehow made it back to the freeway, but the one that runs east-west instead of the north-south one that I was looking for. Something brilliant in side of me reminded me that the two must connect at some point. So I drove on. Eventually I ended up in St. Paul (ie: the WRONG way) and finally asked for directions. I stopped at a gas station, and after some heckling from the people inside (yes I was wearing a Packers shirt, it is Sunday for goodness sakes, I don't care if I AM in Minnesota, fools!) was finally turned in the right direction. After an hour detour, I was finally back on track and headed for home. :) Despite the detour, I still managed to make it home in 4 1/2 hours, and the way up was 4 hours, so not too bad. Hahah. I think I've put in my driving miles for 2009, I think I'll stick to my running miles now. :)
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Speedwork that Was (finally!) + Long (short) Run
I had 1 mile warm up, 3 x 800 m. in 3:43 (7:26 pace) with 400 m. jogs after, and 1 mile cool down on the agenda. While running, I positioned myself in front of a college football game. Suddenly I realized, I'm officially too old to chase after college football players. Sad. Unless they're 5th or 6th years, I suppose, but that either means they're dumb (boo!) or highly injury prone. Hah.
My legs felt pretty good during the run, and I was excited to finally speed things up a bit. I haven't done speed work since the week before my half (Sept. 4th!! geez!)
1 mile warm up 9:31
800 m. #1 3:33 (7:06 pace)
400 m. recovery 2:36 (10:24 pace)
800 m. #2 3:32 (7:04 pace)
400 m. recovery 2:33 (10:12 pace)
800 m. #3 3:36 (7:12 pace)
400 m. recovery 2:28 (9:52 pace)
1 mile cood down 9:48
Total time: 37:37 for 4.25 miles in 8:52 pace. Speedwork pace: 7:07 for 1.5 miles.
I had a bit of tightness in my IT Band during the cool down, but no real significant pain anywhere else. A little rolling pin action did the trick just fine post run. I do have to comment on the gym gawkers. FYI, when working out at the gym at night, the full length windows = mirrors. If you're staring at a girl's booty while she runs, she WILL be able to tell that you're ogling her goodies. Jeepers. It was almost comical how many people didn't realize I could tell exactly what they were looking at while ellipticallizing (make up word, pretty sure.)
Or is it a short LONG run.....?
Friday I got to scadaddle out of work at noon because I had come in on Saturday (blech). I was heading up to Minneapolis to one of my best friend's weddings, and was going to meet up with my best friend who is back from Korea before she heads to Cambodia, and to see a bunch of other college folks. Before I left I had to squeeze in a long run. By the time I got home, I realized there was no time for 9 miles, and down graded to 7. Who needs to run 9 miles when training for a 5k? Not this girl. :)
It was a pretty uneventful run as it had been raining most of the morning, so the trails were pretty dead. I hadn't eaten any food prior to the run, so I was definitely dragging until I took my first Gu at mile 2. I really don't remember much about the run except that I almost ditched my long sleeves to go in just my bra. Not sure how the weather can change in one hour from cold enough to need sleeves to too warm to wear a shirt. Icky.
1. 9:39
2. 9:38
3. 9:29
4. 9:25
5. 9:24
6. 9:13
7. 8:39
7 miles in 1:05:32 for a pace of 9:22.
I tried to keep my pace pretty conservative since I had a hard speed workout only 16 hours before, but couldn't help put push the last mile. I was on a time frame (I literally had an itinerary drawn up so that I could get everything done I needed to and get on the road by 3, my goodness!)
Still to come, why I want to move to Minneapolis, and pics from the most beautiful wedding ever. Also, if you would like some entertaining tales about my adventures driving to Minneapolis and getting lost, let me know, it could make it into the next post. Haha.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Just "running" some errands...
Moving on. Tuesday I was a Slacker McSlackerson, and after a pal suggested I "take a rest day" because my legs were sore, I did. Even though my legs were no longer sore/tired. Grrr... Wednesday night I was set to do a speed workout, but a volleyball league meeting ran late, and it's hard to do a tempo run when you can't tell what pace your Garmin is showing you. Instead I did an easy 4 miler.
Silly me forgot to drop off the movie I checked out from the library. Why not run it there? Ok! I probably looked like a fool running with a DVD in my hand, but I got the job done. :) I ran a weird highly populated route, but knew that it would be well lit, so I dealt with the intense exhaust fumes. Blech. I ran TRES slow, as I had planned on waking up this morning to finally knock the speedwork out of the way. (What do you know, I decided to put it off until tonight!! You're killing me Jeri!!)
I don't have my exact splits but I know they ranged from 10:20 for the first one (running through lots of grass w/DVD in hand) to 9:58. My average pace was 10:10. At mile 3, I almost took a detour to look at Halloween costumes in a store that appears to have cropped up over night (as they often times do around Halloween season). I decided not to, but now totally wish I would've. Sweaty and all, looking at the most scandalous costumes they carry. Haha. Jk. Kinda.
Tonight I'm doing a speed sessions fo REALS. :) I decided to do the 3 x 800 with 400 jogs and mile warm up and cool down that my legs didn't feel up for on the schedule from last week, instead of the tempo run I (obviously) have been less than inspired to do. Hopefully all goes well. My apologies for the sporadic posting, but I'm finally getting cable and internet next Thursday, so I will be back in business. :)
Before I go, here are some official race pics I came across from my half. Sadly, there were no finish line pictures. :( Enjoy.

Did you miss me?
When we last met, I was limping through 1/2 mile. And pouting about it. After spending some time rolling my IT bands with a rolling pin, I felt soooo much better! Thursday morning I woke up, did some more rolling and stretching and headed out for a run. I did a 3 miler at an easy pace. When I first started out I had some pain, but once the legs warmed up I was golden. I was letting myself cut it short at 2 if I wanted to, but leggies wanted 3, so I gave it to them.
3 miles in 28:40 for a 9:34 pace.
1. 9:35
2. 9:29 (whoopsidaisy, need to pull the reigns in a bit)
3. 9:36
Friday I was toying with skipping my run after work, because I just didn't feel like running. Then I remembered how BADLY I wanted to run on Wednesday and couldn't, and decided to take advantage of my legs feeling good.
4 miles in 37:27 for a pace of 9:22.
1. 9:25
2. 9:25
3. 9:20
4. 9:16
Friday night was not-so-fun and resulted in me getting a whopping 2 hours of sleep before my Saturday shift. I may or may not have been prompted to sprint a 1/2 mile or so barefoot for reasons that shall not be revealed. The one thing I thought the next morning, "dang, I wish I would've had my Garmin on. I was bookin it." :p
Saturday was less than stellar and my stomach was KILLING ME. I couldn't eat or really even drink much, so doing a run was not even an option. I did go on a loverly walk with one of my favorite people in the world to talk/vent/brainstorm life ideas. We also may or may not have cut down fabulous spirally branches for her wedding centerpieces. I kept watch. :)
Sunday (is this play by play boring or what? this is what I get for not posting for a week. so sorry!) I finally had some food for fuel in preparation for my 9 miler. It was such a beautiful run. The leaves have started to fall so every step was a crunch-crunch. There is something just so blissfully beautiful and calming about fall. I think my 9 miler served as my therapy session for the weekend, and I'd be lying if I said some tears weren't shed. But there was also a lot of smiling and a lot of thinking.
I took the pace slower than I had been taking my long runs while training for the half, mostly because the legs still only feel about 95% and there's no sense getting hurt running 9 miles while training for a 5k. :p And yes, in case you were curious, it was happy couple evening on the bike trails apparently, and it was quite annoying. :)
I did 9 miles in 1:24:25 for a pace of 9:23.
1. 9:33
2. 9:23
3. 9:25
4. 9:31
5. 9:32
6. 9:27
7. 9:12 (chasing down a couple of runners here. stupid competitiveness. :p)
8. 9:14
9. 9:03
Somewhere in the aftermath of the long run, I forgot that I typically ice bath for runs longer than 8 miles, and just jumped in the shower instead. My legs were quite sore on Monday. Arrgh. Stupid Jeri.
Monday I did an easy 4 miles to loosen up the legs. I did a different route than normal and ended up doing a really hilly route. Lame-o for a recovery run. It helped me to keep my pace slooooow which I'm grateful for.
4 miles in 39:12 for a pace of 9:47.
1. 9:46
2. 9:51
3. 9:45
4. 9:44
It was ridiculously cold yesterday. Oh my. I had to bust out the running tights and a long sleeved shirt!! Unfortunately for me, I couldn't find my running underoos, so I spent the whole run freaking out about the possibility of splitting my running tights for the whole city to see. Ay ay ay, that would be no good. :) Beautiful fall weather, where did you go? The cold weather did prompt me to watch Elf, which always leads to a happy Jerbear. I love me some elf & Christmas.
Today the legs actually feel 100%. I might still do an easy run and then tackle a speed workout tomorrow. I've desperately missed my speed workouts. I feel the need for SPEED! Wow, that was the lamest thing ever.
In exciting news, I have a HUUUUUUUUGE list of crazy crafty-ish projects that I'm going to be working on in the near future, so keep your eyes out for some pics and sweet ideas. When life throws you lemons, make a list! :)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The First Run Back...That Wasn't
Monday, September 14, 2009
I'm a Television Star + Recovery
Division Place: 45 out of 148 |
Gender Place: 132 out of 559 |
Overall Place: 357 out of 971 After winning the 5k earlier this summer, Taylor's friends have it in their heads that I'm this awesome runner. One of them asked what my place was, and he was shocked that I didn't know. #357 is not one that really sticks in your head. :p Also, the Vice President of my agency came down to my office today to see how my race went this weekend (!!!!). I was shocked. I had mentioned that I was running it at a potluck lunch we had about 2 months back and he said he used to be a runner back in the day. I thought it was very sweet that he actually remembered and cared enough to seek me out to see how I had done. :) And finally, as I mentioned in my half-marathon race report, I had tried to run BTTW for the final 5k of the race. After quickly calculating my time for the last 5k, I realized that I had run in it 26:03 (or close to that, I don't feel like double checking my mental math). When I got to looking at the 5ks I've done this year, I realized that the 5k I did in March, which was a PR by 45 seconds, was a 25:48. In less than six months, I have improved my speed and endurance enough to run almost the equivalent after racing 10 miles immediately before. I am shocked, but really just very proud of the dedication and effort that I have put in to training for 2009. I'm excited to see what else these legs can do, hope you'll continue to join me for the journey. Thanks sooooo much for all your comments, congrats, etc. They are all greatly appreciated! :) |
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Race Report: Sioux Falls Half Marathon

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Race Goals + Yup, I Like Green

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Gym? Treadmill? What are those?
Monday, September 7, 2009
Running Hills with Glasses On

2. 9:31
3. 9:30
4. 9:09
Sunday, September 6, 2009
That's a LOT of Cleavage for a 12 mile run!
- I raced a little boy and lost. :) There was a HUGE family of kids, parents, young adults all walking, biking on the bike trail near me. One of the little boys, probably about 6, started running in place when he saw me coming, so I told him we should race. He ran a couple of steps then stopped, so I started yelling that I was winning. That got him going, he sprinted his little heart out (without shoes on!!) to the nearest bench (our designated finish line). I could've beat him if I was trying, but not by very much, to be honest. He might be a good runner in the near future!! :)
- I saw 2 sets of ridiculous over the top cleavage shots. I understand that girls with big boobs work out too, but I'm not quite sure why they would choose a deep V shirt with ta-tas hanging out while leaning over biking.
- I had the worst under arm chafing ever. Oh my gosh, so much pain. I'm not sure what it stemmed from. The only thing I can think of is that I had my GU stored in my bra, and it must've shifted forward to agitate it. The poor thing HURTS. I might have to wear a big ol' bandaid for the race if it's not healed by then. :(
2. 9:22
3. 9:32
4. 9:22
5. 9:24
6. 9:28
7. 9:24
8. 9:26
9. 9:20
10: 9:21
11. 9:09
2. 9:22
3. 9:35
4. 9:17
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Last day for Speed + Shrimp Fajitas

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Training Programs :: Runners as Alcohol :: Alcoholic
What do you think? Dumb of me to want to race a 5k 4 weeks after my half-marathon? Cool as long as I can stay healthy? Stupid to only rest 3 days post-hm? I'm pretty excited about it, to be honest, and it helps to keep me motivated before I have to start training for the Dallas-White Rock Half Marathon which I just registered for!!!! (And purchased my plane ticket yesterday, double whoo!!!)
After going somewhat nutty over the length of this hm training schedule (12 weeks), I'm keeping this next one at 10 weeks. Isn't it magical how that 5k just bridges the gap? Yes yes, it is.
***P.S. The fact that the website shows people running in tanks and shorts in December has me giggling...simply CAN. NOT. WAIT.***
I'm currently revising the HM training schedule that RW spit out for me. Based on my current mileage, it seems to think that I need to be doing 40+ miles the last few weeks of training. Um..no. Also, I'm eliminating the latter mile repeat workouts to sub in some 800 meter or 400 meter repeats. And for the first time ever, I think I'd like to do a 14 mile long run (hello distance run PR).
Anyway, like I said, half the fun is creating the schedule that's going to get you from Day 1 to Race Day, so I'll probably stretch out the editing process until I have it down to perfection. I'm excited already and I haven't even ran my September race yet! :p
Go here for a super sweet yoga mat giveaway. If you win, you can give it to me because you love me so much. :) But seriously, if you do go, let her know that I sent you, so I get an extra shot at winning.