2012 was a pretty awesome year. I finished 6 classes towards my MLIS, ran a few races, race a few miles, traveled a few times, and spent a lot of time and love on my pug child. Here's a look back through the year since I really left this blog neglected this year.

February Kyle and I went to Minneapolis for a belated anniversary trip and Valentine's Day celebration. Apparently zero photos were taken. That's cool.
In March I decided to throw in the towel on training for the Brookings Marathon. MLIS spring semester I, you win. Decision had nothing to do with a 20 miler being scheduled on St. Patty's Day (yes it did).
May brought back to back race weekends and lots of runner BFF time with Megan and Jenn. I ran the Brookings half marathon
followed shortly by the Green Bay half marathon. Oh hai Laura.
The end of May I said goodbye to my lovely (tiny) one bedroom, and hello to a decent sized two bedroom, and cohabitation with Kyle. And then came the addition of the love of my life, Ollie girl.
June, July and most of August saw me fall off the running wagon HARD as I sweated just thinking about putting on my running shoes. And I learned the brutalness that is summer MLIS courses--one month long, 2 nights a week, 4 hours and 15 minutes a night. Enter fastest summer of my life.
The end of June I rode my first ever half century. It was fun slash hard slash super hot and humid. Also, there was beer.
July brought back my favorite Jenn and some much needed sun and fun. And sadly no adorable pictures.
July also took me to Mpls to celebrate Amanda's bachelorette party.
In August, I gave my notice at my job as a credit counselor and accepted a position as a library assistant at my alma mater. Goooooooo VIKES!
And then I helped my old roomie celebrate her wedding.
My eighth consecutive Sioux Falls Half Marathon happened in September.
And I met Scott Jurek. Squeeeeeeeee!
Ollie attended her first ever Pug-O-Ween and took 3rd place in the costume contest as a ChiaPug.
And Megan and I traveled to San Francisco for the Nike Women's Marathon. Thank goodness we had the best time ever, because the race was so not fun.
December reunited me with my favorite nephew, Harrison, and I also got to meet his beautiful little sister Harper.
While I was in Dallas, I toed the line of the Dallas Half Marathon (already sweating before the gun shot) with Dominique (long time blog buddy, first weekend meeting), my sister in law Toni (who ran her first half marathon!), and Shannon (Wild West Relay buddy who dominated the full!).
And then Kyle and I packed up the car and headed south to Kansas City to spend the weekend with his BFF and fiance. Too much fun was had.
We celebrated Christmas with our families, and Ollie got spoiled rotten, just as it should be.
The end of the month saw me entering the last year in my 20s, but I have to say that 28 was one of the best years yet, and I can't wait to see what 29 will bring.