Thursday, April 30, 2009
favorite running weather
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
phone call with a 2 year old
Monday, April 27, 2009
amazing weekend + intro run with Garmin
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Race Report: Washington Pavilion 5k

Thursday, April 23, 2009
You can never have too many.....
I don't even like purple. It just fell into the category of "A Color I don't currently Have."
The weather was ridiculously hot. 85-ish? The warmest I've ran in is 66 thus far, so that was quite a shock to the ol' system. I think I may have panted like a dog when I was done for about 15 minutes. However, apparently my body is not equipped in the same manner as a dog's is, because the panting did nothing to lower my body temp. This morning I woke up and did some yoga before work, and now I have nothing planned except some ab work and push ups until Saturday=race day.
Everyone, please send your speediness my way. It should be a good day!! :) And go on, spill it: How many pairs do you own (or just running shorts in general if you don't worship at the House of Nike Tempo Shorts)? Maybe I'll reveal my answer if it's not as bad in comparison. Ha.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Dear Spring, I Heart You.
Monday, April 20, 2009
A Great Long Run + Snapping Turtle
Saturday night we went to our indoor football team's game, which was awesome. I don't know why, but I love going to the Storm's games. It doesn't hurt that they're ridiculously good (4 peat nat'l champs I believe) and that we have no real pro representation for local sports. Because we got to the game insanely late, the game was sold out. Luckily for us, there was an Army recruiter there who had a bunch of kids not show up, so we got their tickets fo FREE!. Unfortunately these seats were in the nosebleeds. Meaning row 30 of a 30 row stadium. Hah. You could still see the game really well, but jeri+beer=many trips to the bathroom up and down those stairs. My calves were soooooooooore.
Sunday I had a 6 mile long run scheduled. Well technically it was supposed to be a 7 mile, but because I was sick 2 weeks ago, I didn't run, and last week's sixer was horrendous, so I was giving myself a do over. :) I didn't have any internet access to map out a run, and there was no way in hell I was going to do the horrible, horrible 6 mile route from last week, so I decided I would just jump on the trail and run to a street that would be easy to map out after the run, and go with it.
I'm a super super competitive person, especially with myself, so it was really strange to not have any mile markers to check my splits to see how I was doing, but it was strangely liberating. The first time I looked at my watch was 24 minutes into the run. Usually I'm checking it obsessively. I ended up running 35 minutes in one direction before turning around to come back home, so I knew I was running a lil over 7 miles, and was surprised at how great my legs/lungs/everything felt.
PLUS I saw a snapping turtle next to the river. I was pretty excited, because I've never seen a live snapping turtle before. My dad has caught a couple fishing, but unfortunately, they had "expired" by the time I got to see them. I felt all nature/woodsy girl running by the river. It was great, and an awesome change from running on the sidewalks and having to be overly cautious of getting hit by a car not paying attention. I'm super excited to get my garmin so I can just go on the trails for all (or most) of my runs.
Speaking of the garmin, the countdown is on. As I've said before, if I PR in my next (or next-next) 5k, I'm breaking down and buying one. My race is Saturday. Whoo! Granted this is just a "tune up" race for the one in 2 weeks, I'm still thinking I can PR. So fingers crossed everyone. Also, I just checked the weather for this weekend, and there's a big sunshiny orb on each day EXCEPT Saturday which shows rain, clouds, and lightning. Waaah. Oh well, that'd just make a PR that much sweeter.
I ended up running 7.2 miles in 1:07:06 for a pace of 9:20. Tonight I have a yoga session and some ab work in the works, followed by watching Milk. I'm super excited for it, so I hope it's good.
Friday, April 17, 2009
It smells like track season :)
Photo below and left is me and Kim's hand off for the 1600 m relay. Look at that sexy leg muscle! Ha. And the 7' tall leggy monster to my left in blue. Yikes.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Insert Clever Title Here

Monday, April 13, 2009
Craptastic Weekend Runs....Hehe.
The title of this pretty much explains my weekend runs. Blech. I went out with some pals on Friday night and had way. too. much. fun. Especially knowing I had to do a run the next day. In my defense, I knew I had all day to run it and it was just a slow easy run, so I figured I could do that after a night out. Wrong. I managed to get 4 hours of sleep and just felt like trash all day Saturday. I finally got off my couch to run at 1pm, headache and all. I planned my run to end up at my car, since I had left it at the bar the night before, hey at least I'm responsible, eh? The first two miles were really good, and then I started to get the horrible horrible side pains. And I kind of freaked out. I thought my pulled/strained muscle had healed since I hadn't had any pain in 2-3 weeks, but I guess not.
At this point, I thought about just turning around and going to my car. But after a quick stretch it was a-ok. Random. Good to know though: the stretches that makes it feel better are the "I'm pretending to stretch" sort of stretches. You know, arm in the air/side bend, trunk twisters. I felt a foo'. After this point I slowed waaaaay down, since I didn't want the pain anymore. The first two miles were right around 8:30-8:40, total time: 35:44 for a pace of 8:54, which shows you just how much I slowed down. Yikes.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Photo Friday + Belly Shirt Option

Thursday, April 9, 2009
TIaRT + 57 degrees + Snow
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Sickness: DEFEATED (sort of)
Tonight I have an tempo run scheduled which I'm very excited about. For some reason I love any run that has speed in it. This is probably due to the fact that I am a sprinter at heart, and only a distance gal because there just aren't very many adult 100m, 200m dash races out there. Strange. :)
In other news, my fish is still dead. Someone suggested I take it back since he didn't last a full 24 hours. Can I do that? It's really morbid to have a dead fish in my apartment, but if I can get my $4 back, I think I might.
Mica at MicaPie sent me this survey. Whoo!!!
The rules are:
1.) Fill it out
2.) Change one question with one of your own
3.) Add an additional question
4.) Send it to 3 people.
1. What are your current obsessions?
reading people's running blogs (um obviously), Pink's new CD, guacamole, Kelly Clarkson's new CD, & cardigans
2. Which item from your closet are you wearing most often? my black and white t-shirt. it looks like old school wall paper. I wear it to work under a cardigan and out on the weekends. Love it.
3. Last thing you bought for yourself?
I bought myself bagel boy for lunch yesterday--2 everything bagels and an italian creme soda, otherwise I bought 2 new dresses, 2 shirts, and a cardigan from forever 21. I have eleventy billion weddings to go to, so figured I was in need of some more dresses.
4. What’s for dinner?
Hopefully big delicious cheeseburgers on the grill with all the fixins. [Taylor I hope you're reading this, I wasn't kidding]
5. Say something to the person who tagged you:
I think your blog is fabulous and I literally laugh at some point during each post. If I lived closer, I would totally invite myself over for dinner, because your culinary delights look deeeeeeeeeelicious.
6. What is one item you could not live without?
my cellphone. I'm lame. That's fine.
7. Vacation spots you must visit before you die?
Everywhere, I've gone nowhere, it's crazy. Germany & Ireland for sure. After watching vicky christina barcelona, I know feel like I need to go there. And am working on convincing the boy to accompany me.
8. Three things to do before you die:
Wow. Deep question. Travel more, run a marathon, be blissfully happy.
9. What are you reading right now?
How to Meet Cute Boys, Nickel and Dimed, She's Come Undone
10. What is the last movie you saw and enjoyed? Rate it out of 5 stars.
Changling 4 1/2 stars
11. What's your favorite season and why?
Fall. I love how beautiful the trees are and the crisp air. And wearing hoodies. But most importantly, it signals the start of football season. :)
12. What are you eating/do you want to eat right now?
I'm actually not eating anything, or craving anything right now. Which is really strange. Now that I've had to think about it, Chevy's chimichangas sound good. Num.
13. Best thing you ate or drank lately?
Cool Blue Gatorade
14. Care to share some wisdom?
my life motto: Passion will make you crazy, but is there any other way to live? [I've heard this quote attributed to several different people, so am unable to give it proper credit, sorry.]
15. Describe one of your happiest moments.
Nerd alert: My best friend (who wasn't actually my best friend at the time, just the beginning of her happy r'ship together) and I were going to the Harry Potter release party for the 6th book. First we went to B&N for the party, and to take photos, and get sweet glasses. Then we went to Applebee's for drinks and dessert where we discovered crack in the form of dessert: maple butter blondie, something or other. Seriously, the best dessert ever, and the after effects have to be similar to a crack-high. I wouldn't know. Then we went to the ghetto-Walmart in town to wait in line for the book (and get the cheapest price in town). It was a great great night. :)
16. What was your best Halloween costume? I dressed up as an Elf one year. Those pictures are probably not blog appropriate though. [Ok just double checked on the photos, confirmed that they are not blog appropriate.]
17. What do you have an addiction to? everything bagels, fettuccine alfredo, ice water, and cheese cake
18. What do you do that you would be embarrassed for others to know about? I'm sure there's something, but nothing I would care to admit on the internet. :p
19. What was your first screen name? jerilee40
20. Do you have a weird talent? Please elaborate if yes: I learned to wiggle my ears. Wiggling your ears is not that special, but the fact that I taught myself how, makes it special. Oh and my eyes change colors with my mood.
I tag:
Cindy at delusions of other people's grandeur b/c she's my newest follower (hurrah!) sorry if you hate these, and don't want to do it, I'll understand. :)
Kathryn at MISSION MKWC: Matt & Kathryn World Conquest but not Matt b/c I don't care about his answers. :p jk darling.
Aron at runner's rambles b/c she had the funniest picture of her pets' loungeday on her blog today
Peace out!
Um...sorry about the weird spacing, etc. I can't seem to get the format to correct itself. Apparently I suck at copy and paste? Awesome.