Saturday, February 28, 2009
Race Annoucements
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Happy Mardi Gras!

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I finished the Twilight series a week and a half ago. Watched the first movie about a month ago. And for some reason, I think I might be in love with a vampire. Seriously. School girl crush. I haven't had one of those Perhaps I think Rob Pattinson is oh so dreamy because he was in one of my other favorite series....HP. Or the fact that he has one of the most amazing voices ever. I may have googled his bio prior to writing this to make sure he was over the age of 18 because I just felt so wrong. (5-13-86 FYI).
But back to the books. I've heard a lot of criticism of the books and the poor writing of Stephanie Meyer, but I think they set out what they were meant to do. Entertain. And secretly make me want to sparkle in the sunlight. Whatever.
Speed of Light
I've decided I'm going to be speedy fast again. Ok. Let's be honest. I'll never be fast-fast again. Speed of Light (heh heh) fast. But faster than I've been. Whoo. I've been training for my first race of the 2009 year and it's been going great. I have a running pal to help motivate me to not skip workouts, and someone who will listen to be babbling about my runs (hehe) without their eyes glazing over.
I went through all of my 5k times and sadly realized that I got slower each time I ran one. This year I'm destined to beat my PR. Coincidentally, it was at this very race 2 years ago that I had my PR. In the freezing freezing cold. There's probably some significance w/the race being on St. Patty's Day. Gotta love dressing in all green and having it be not only condoned but encouraged.
I've been comparing my training logs from the past 2 months and my 2-3 months of training leading up to my last half marathon this past summer, and I think I figured out why it was so so horrible. Um. I barely ran all summer. Seriously. Who trains for a 1/2 marathon by running 1-2 a week? I'm an idiot. Anyway...I have a ton of time on my hands, so I might as well get in insane shape and kick some running butt while I'm at it. I'll probably get so buff that I'll be Miss Universe 2010 and end up married to some dude named Sven who lifts semis for his morning curls. Man. I can't wait. The future is looking promising.
Macbook = Love
This post was previously typed on February 15th:
I am typing on my brand. new. mac. book. If you haven't talked to me since February 14th, perhaps you haven't heard just how in love I am with my new computer. I contemplated sleeping with it last night. Seriously. I settled for setting it on my dresser next to the bed just so it wouldn't have to be alone. Or so I wouldn't have to be alone. Definitely one of the two. ANYWAYS. She's beautiful. Everything I could want in another woman. :) The best valentine ever. Only because the last 2 have been valentiMes, which is totally different. But I digress.
For the most part I still don't know how to use it. And unfortunately I haven't been able to steal anyone's wifi all day, so I suppose I need to break down and get internet. And since I don't have an internet connection right now PLUS I don't know how to use my computer, I'm currently creating this blog post on a sticky note, to copy and paste once I have internet connection. Despite the fact that I don't know where to locate a word doc on here, I DO know how to record music and play chess against my computer. Computer: 2 Jerbear: 0. By the way, if anyone would like to teach me to play chess, I would greatly take the help.
Things I have taught myself using my "Everything Mac" book tonight: how to right click on my computer. Whoo. And also, might I mention. The first page of this book says " Congratulations. You and your MacBook were made for each other." I know we were. Thanks. Love love love.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Blink how many times?