The Dog Stars was a somewhat slow moving book at the start, but a book I really enjoyed. It's an adult novel, but hinges on the end of the world (or after the end of the world) setting that I so dearly love. I even suggested this book to Kyle to read as I thought he'd identify with the main character.
I was excited to read The Heist Society, because I thought it'd be in the same realm as the Pretty Little Liars books that I adore. It was just... meh. It's an adventure with some mystery throughout, but it wasn't really a page turner. I don't know that I'll read any more in the series, but will likely give the authors other series a try.
Thirteen Reasons Why is a dark, depressing book I've been wanting to read for awhile. I read this on the flight home from San Francisco, and that wouldn't be my recommendation. It is a raw story of teen suicide and a lot more.
I read Marriage Plot for book club, and didn't really enjoy it. I went to the book club, even after not loving the book, to see if others could tell me why *they* loved the book, but no one did. It was very beautifully written I just never felt connected to anything or anyone in the story.
Ready Player One was one of my favorite reads of 2012. I was obsessed with this book from the get go, flew through the book, but never wanted it to end. The book is set in the future where everyone "plugs in" to a gaming system, and the game system creator designs a quest for participants to complete after his death. Any gamer or child of the 80s would eat up this book.
In November, I read some children's books to kick off my Children's Book Review blog, and also to supplement my coursework.
I also read Eat and Run after meeting Scott Jurek (and having my book signed by him). It was a motivational book, as the guy is an insane ultra runner, and I loved having a glimpse at his childhood and personal life throughout the book.
It took me awhile to get through the Diviners, as a) it's a giant book and b) it was a bit of a slog. It reminded me a bit of season 6 of Dexter, and that just threw me the entire book.
I finished the Matched series, Reached, and really enjoyed how it turned out. I won't reveal too much, but it was definitely a series worth reading.
Starters is another dystopian series I have been planning to read for awhile. It was entertaining but fairly predictable.
Meant to Be is one of the books I was most excited to read in 2012. I had heard it stated as the best YA book of 2012. My thoughts: It was a good story, and one I would have devoured as a teen, talking about MTB=meant to be, in reference to people ending up together forever. It's a good message for teens, but a little "duh" to me as an adult. With that aside, the story lines were good! I probably would've loved it had I not had such high expectations for it.
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