I feel like I do these posts every once in awhile, and honestly I could do them weekly. I have such an obsessive mentality that I'm always obsessing over one thing or another, so here's my current list.Lululemon Vinyasa scarf. I've been coveting this for two years. Finally put it on my Christmas/birthday list. Super bummed the green/navy striped one is sold out and $90 freakin' on ebay. Rude, Lulu, super rude.
Modern Family. I was super late to the bandwagon on this one. The pilot came out when I was trying to cut tv out of my life so I totally missed out, but thank God my friends have the DVDs and are willing to lend them to me. I've waited patiently for season four, and Emily finally finished it and passed it off to me! And then my DVD remote took a dump and I was STILL stuck without it. Grr.... now we're back in business. Bring on the lolz. Kyle watched a few episodes with me and has determined I'm Cam. He's my favorite (tied with Lily) so I'm slightly flattered, but then realize I probably shouldn't be....
Parks and Rec. Ok, Kyle and I tried to get in to this when we first started dating almost three years ago (sidenote: three years?!? When did that happen??) and we couldn't get past the third episode. Bored. My friend TJ has told me for years to just push through the first season because it gets way better, and he was clearly right. During the great remote break/DVD no longer working rendering Netflix unusable, I went so far as watching episodes on my iPhone to get my fix. That's dedication. Can I be besties with April?? Because sweet Jesus, she's amazing.
My pug. This isn't anything new, she's just cuddling and napping next to me and my heart is so full it could practically burst.
Hot yoga. I've been dabbling in hot yoga again. I had some almost fainting spells last winter when I went so I've been scared to go back, but I've gone a couple of times recently and am back in l-o-v-e with it. It's also fun to take the sweatiest yogi award during each class. That's totes a thing, judged by moi, usually no contest. (Go me).
Children's picture books. My new favorite thing on the weekends is to bring a stack of new/amazing picture books home from the library and spend my morning cuddled on the couch in pjs with the pug drinking coffee and reading them.
Bloody Mary's. I got on a bloody mary kick last month and I feel like it hasn't stopped. Ok, it has paused briefly because of the nice Wisconsin beer stash I brought home from Madison with me. Mmmmm.... Kyle makes a mean Bloody Mary.
1 comment:
Modern family is the best everrrr! Hilarious.
We shall get brunch and blood marys for post-half marathon success when you are here...yessss!
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