Wednesday, January 17, 2018

F^3 Lake Half Marathon Training Week 8

Week of January 8-14

Monday PlannedGA + Speed 6 miles 6x100
Monday Actual: 6 recovery miles. My legs felt like garbage all day so I told Toni I really wanted to skip the run but wouldn't because it was nice out. I did tell her that I needed to go slow. Luckily after the first 1.25 miles my legs loosened up and it felt great. My heart rate was super low, so that was exactly what I needed.

Tuesday PlannedRecovery 4 mile
Tuesday Actual: Rest. Grumble grumble. It was beautiful out, and I couldn't get myself outside for a run. I'm still annoyed at myself.

Wednesday Planned: VO2 Max 9 miles 2x1200, 2x1000, 2x800 @ 3k-5k pace
Wednesday Actual: Toni and I did 4 miles before the group run, planning to go to the track after yoga, but Toni had to leave unexpectedly and I was too scared to run on the track solo that late at night. Also we didn't get a picture. It was a weird night.

Thursday Planned: Rest

Thursday Actual: One hour of POWER. I would've made up some miles but it was cold as hell out. No thanks.

Friday Planned
Recovery 3 miles 
Friday Actual: We had planned 4 miles at the coffee run but the -24 degrees convinced us otherwise. I'm sick of winter.

Saturday PlannedEndurance 10 miles
Saturday Actual: After I taught yoga, we went out for 5 miles, opting to push our long run to Sunday since it was going to be almost double digits. HEAT WAVE YOU GUYS!!

Sunday Planned: Rest
Sunday Actual: 10 mile long run with Toni.

Total Mileage Planned: 32 Miles
Total Mileage Actual: 25.17 miles

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