The VP of my company is an ex-runner, so whenever he's down on the minion's floor (aka my part of the agency's floor) he always stops by my office to see how my training is going and to see what's next. Last Thursday morning he stopped by, and to my sheer terror when I looked at the calendar realized that I'm racing.... this weekend. Holy guacamole. After the VP left I went in to my ex-office hubby, Tom's office to freak out.
Me: Holy crap. I'm racing next weekend. And not just racing.... 3 races! AAAAAAAAH!
Tom: What are you going to, a track meet?
Me: I wish.....

I have a special affinity for St. Patrick's day. Yes I'm Irish. Yes I heart green. Yes I heart beer. What's not to love, no? I've participated in the 5k twice (
read 2009 here) and the
5 mile once (2010). It's terribly organized, and every year I say I won't be back. But here I am participating in the Irish(wo)man Challenge: 5 mile in the morning, 5k later morning, and one mile dash! (heh, did anyone else FREAK OUT in high school track when they listed the 800 m. as a dash.... ::shudders::) to start off the St. Patty's Day parade.
Since I'm in the process of reigning in marathon shape, my fast twitch muscles are
probably non-existant. Also the route has changed and it's hilly. Ick. I've decided my tentative game plan will be to do a tempo run for the 5 mile. Race-ish the 5k. And then run my little hiney off for the one mile. I know I won't PR in the 5 mile (last year's short course) or 5k, and I haven't raced a one mile since 2008, so might as well focus my efforts on that, right? Plus it's slightly downhill. Yay! Haha. Plus I will be decked out in all my
green glory. EEEEEEEEEEE!
Monday night I hit the treadmill for an easy 7 miler. I'm back to wearing my stupid knee strap after all this running on ice and snow. Turns out I
REALLY heel strike when I'm unsure of my footing. Ugh. After how many months of trying to break this habit..... Anywho, the first mile felt like garbage. And then it was a really really good run. Other than the whole 4th mile where I thought my internal organs were going to erupt out of me (def TMI heh). Turns out 8 handfulls of Starburst jelly beans are not the best pre-run snack. Starburst jelly beans ≠ sport beans. Who knew?!?!? :)
Sounds like a pretty bad-ass weekend! Good luck!
I love St Pats races as well!!!
Too bad it's not a beer mile, would really round out the weekend!
Did we know about this race in college? If so, why didn't I run it??? Sounds like fun!!
Wowzers - quite the race weekend! Have fun and enjoy the green beer :-)
Wow that is a crazy race weekend!
I love how you have an ex-office husband!! Do you have a current office-husband?
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