We're all friends here right? So... like... if I wanted your honest opinion about something you'd give it to me straight up, right???

How close am I to having creepy religious fenetic hair????
I'm legitimately concerned.
I kept getting hair stuck in my arm pit at dinner the other night.
And I just got a hair cut 2 weeks ago..... :/
Please advise.

(My cardigan is super long, so where my fingers are is where my pants sit. Which means my hair is approx. 4 inches from being in my butt crack when I shower....oy. Wow....let that visual marinate, won't you?!?!? Barf.)
When did I go past crazy hippie hair???? HALP!
Hmm, I would say it's too long, but it may be the exact length of my hair :/ With that being said, I think I need a haircut. 2 inches...maybe more.
I'm considering a shorter look, but the thought of short hair scares me. How about you? Scared? It seems like you've had long hair for a while, the look fits you nicely, but don't be afraid to try something new. I'm speaking to myself too.
Um, I think your hair is prettyz. But just for the sake of making it super creepy Bible hair, keep growing it to your butt. And THEN, pull half of it up and make it a nice pouf up front like the polygamists do on the compound.
I love super long hair, so I think it looks really pretty actually. I would say that you're at about the max length before people start looking and saying "Damn" though.
The only way to truly know is to ask yourself ..... What would Charlie Sheen do? This is apparently the age of Sheen. Join the ride.
For what it's worth (very little) - I think the length is fine, but when it reaches the top of the pants seems to be when people start noticing/commenting.
It's long, but if you can handle all that hair I say go for it. As long as you trim it your hair wont look like "crazy hippie hair". I always end up cutting my hair off because I can't handle that much hair. Although I like Krittabug's idea.
what krittabug said! what krittabug said! maybe a nice bonnet too? something to think about.
It depends upon your age. At age thirty, each inch past your shoulders is a clear declaration of your fanatical dedication to Jesus.
Before thirty, it is just fun loving and cute.
I went to a hippie college, and I hate to say that you are about one good dousing of patchouli and a phish tee shirt away from hippie-dom.
Just think, every inch that you cut off will shave off 5 seconds per mile run. So, 4 inches would get you 6 minutes on your next Marathon. I have actually asked a physicist co-worker of mine to crunch the numbers for me, and he says that my theory is sound. ;) But, he might have thought that I was asking for myself and just wanted to see me shave my head.
I don't think it's creepy long at all! It's very pretty, and I don't feel that you'll hand me a copy of the Watchtower or anything.
I think it is beautiful!
I'm laughing at JRose's comment about the age thirty, thing...I'm like 15 days away from turning 30, and now I'm suddenly feeling like I need to whack my hair off!
Put on a long, plain dress and you'll fit right in on the "compound". : )
Little known fact: I had hair down to my knees when I was 13...and then I cut it all off. You're wayyyyy far off from that! :)
Inside to have crazy hippy hair until I figured I was too old for it. So enjoy it while you still can pull it off. :)
Inside to have crazy hippy hair until I figured I was too old for it. So enjoy it while you still can pull it off. :)
That's about how long my hair is! It's gorgeous, but I would prob keep it at that length but no longer. Just my personal opinion and I may be a lil' biased!
Thats about how long my hair is - as long as you keep it trimmed and healthy you are golden.
But then, I always grow my hair out until almost belly button length before I chop off about a foot to donate to Locks of Love...its a two year process!
Definitely very long, but I think it still looks pretty / healthy (as opposed to thin and nasty.)
I honestly couldn't deal with hair that long, but if it doesn't bother you, I say you can keep it :-) As Ranaroundaroo says, would you consider donating to Lock of Love if you ever do cut it off?
You have nice hair! I like how it looks when you have it pulled in front, rather than all behind your shoulders.
I am jealous of your swining ponytail. I look like a boy when I run because my ponytail is so short!
Once it reaches butt crack then it's way too long ;) Maybe if you're looking for a change you can take it up to shoulder blade range?
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