- Run a sub-4 marathon.
- Run 200 miles in a month.
- Run 1500 miles for the year.
- Run a sub 1:50 half marathon.
- Break 49 in a 10k.
- Finally nab the 22:xx 5k.
- Run 100 miles in each month. Surprisingly tough. I always end up under in December.

**see right.... oh hai failed time goals for 2010 annnnnnd 2011.... uff**
- For the love of God develop a weight routine. Even if that means getting a personal trainer for a session or two.
- Practice yoga more. Attend all the studios in town so you don't have that "first timer fear" holding you back from going when you have time and gift certificates to attend!
- Remember to do core work outside of bikini season. It'll make you a stronger runner.
- Remember your daily vitamins...uh...daily.
- Maintain a 4.0 for grad school.
- Don't get overwhelmed by the stress of school (particularly spring 2012 and summer 2012, as I've been told they're intense). Continue to be thrilled that you're following your dream.
- Read 52 books. I read 61 in 2011, but I was only in school for 4 months. I think one a week is a tough enough goal with that factored in.
- Don't let my "to-read" list on goodreads exceed 200 books. It's currently at 170ish. So I need to finish at roughly the same rate as I add them to that list.
- Don't start anymore book series until the currently started ones are completed: Pretty Little Liars (7/11), Dexter (1/5), Sookie Stackhouse (7/11), Uglies (3/4), Matched (2/3), Divergent (1/3).
- Keep a more organized and tidy apartment to further ready myself for future pug bestie(s).
- Keep plugging away at the 101 in 1001 project.
- Complete Project 365.
- Plan a fall 2013 graduation vacation present and start setting aside $$ for it asap. I'm toggling between the Athens Marathon or the Goofy Challenge. Quite the difference, I know.
- Man up and get your wisdom teeth removed. (eep!)

First run of marathon training last night; 8 miles with 4 at tempo pace. Knocked out the tempo miles in 8:32, 8:14, 8:13, 7:55. Sadly I think this many have been one of my last "yayzies I'm wearing shorts in the winter time" runs. The cold and snow and winds a'comin'. Drat.
You're such a bookworm! I'm baffled as to how you find time to read so many books + run the miles + grad-school + you, stuff.
I'm in awe. ;)
The Athens Marathon would be worth every penny! I've heard mixed things about the Disney ones, mostly because they're so crowded. Either way, those are lofty things to look forward to!
I didn't set any "brain" goals this year, crap.
*366 project. this heres a leap year! :)
aaaand now that i click on the link, i see you got that all taken care of. ok then. about meet Aaron Rodgers?! That's high on my list. How GREAT is that photo?! My hubby's aunt (Wisconsin native) sent it to us!!! GO PACK GO! Maybe you could meet us in Indy for the Super Bowl...that's a GREAT goal!
If you run Athens.. I'll do it too! Visiting Greece is enough motivation for me to get out there and start running again (someday).
Get after those goals, chica! I know you can do it.. you amaze me with your busy life and milage!
Mileage** bahh.
I'm actually thinking I'm going to do Goofy as a graduation present to myself (I graduate in 2013 as well), but honestly Athens would be amazing! You have some great goals set! Good luck in 2012 :)
Good luck with library school! Maybe you've said it before, but do you know what kind of library you want to work in? Probably something only a fellow librarian would ask. :)
Goofy was a ton of fun and I think you should definitely do it at some point. But Athens seems like it would be incredible. I think that would be my vote.
I'm considering hiring a personal training for a few sessions to teach me how to lift because I need to get my butt kicked...and have someone staring me down while I do it.
Goofy Challenge!
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