Total Miles: 143 up from 77.7 last month. Doing, werkk! (85.5 last August. Also did some looking for previous Augusts, since I'm freaking about over what I'm capable of running in next Saturday's half, and this is my highest August EVER. Which is stellar because August is always miserable weather. WHOOP!)
Total Time: 27:06:33 up from 14:35:30 last month. So. Many. LSD runs. #basebuilding
Total Runs: 18 for an average of 7.94/run.
Highest weekly mileage: 8/19-8/25 46.0 miles 8:49:40

Most hardcore run: I had an 18 miler last Sunday. I got started at 6:30am to "beat the heat" and it was a "feels like 90+" for the whole last hour of the run. This 18 miler took me longer than it takes most people to run a marathon (this may or may not be an exaggeration). But I didn't give up or throw in the towel, so I gave myself 5 B.A. gold stars.
Bike Miles: I intended on riding it a couple of times....
Favorite Jam: Still rocked out to Miley quite a few times, but after the VMAs I can't listen without a visual image.
Today is day #1 of my three day weekend, and so far it has been magical. Ollie and I have had plenty of time to snuggle. I finished season 2 of Modern Family. (Who has season 3 and 4 for me to borrow, plzzzz???) I started Orange is the New Black and I'm OBSESSED. Already 1/3 of the way done. Big day, I KNOW. Pug and I took a nap, since we'd had such a STRESSFUL day already. And now we're watching the Crimson Tide ROLL all over Virginia Tech.
And I have this giant stack o' books to attend to before Tuesday. (Ok, I clearly won't finish all of these by Tuesday, what with the binge watching of OITNB that I plan to do, but a girl can dream, right??)
1 comment:
Your stack of books is only slightly higher than my stack of books. There are just so many great ones to read right now!!!
Well done on an impressive August of running girl! Wowzers! You will do great at the half!
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