Exhibit A: I graduated from grad school on Saturday. Roll tide. Mom and Pops surprised me with roses and took me out for dinner on Monday.
Exhibit B: My library opened a brand new branch on Tuesday. It was announced this spring that I was one of the lucky five who was getting to transfer to the brand new branch! It was a ton of work getting it ready to go, but Tuesday was one of the best days of work I've ever had in my life.
Exhibit C: I woke up BEFORE my alarm today and set out for my 10 miler. The sun came up after the first two miles and I realized that my HR was waaaay below my recovery zone. So I decided to pick up the pace until I was hitting the correct HR zone. 1 minute/mile faster later and boom! 10 miler done. I'm not quite back to where I was pre-slacker, but I'm getting pretty damn close. Keep up the good work legs!
July In Review
Total Miles: 77.7 up from 48.3 last month. Damn you laziness in Vegas for squelching my hundy club! (33.8 miles from July 2012.)
Total Time: 14:35:30 up from 8:26:44 last month.
Total Runs: 10 for an average of 7.77/run.
Highest weekly mileage: 7/15-7/21 41.7 miles 7:43:32
Favorite run: I knocked out a ten miler before work the Friday before I went to work, and it was one of those runs where you're in such a zone of awesomeness that you forget you're running until you're an hour in to the run. Plus running in to the sunset is always killer.
Most hardcore run: The 8 mile GA run in 90 degrees with high humidity that almost killed me dead. Keeping your HR at the appropriate zone when it's THAT HOT is hard. (Guess when I made the switch to morning running? If you guessed "the very next day" you are a big WINNER!)
Favorite race: NAMost hardcore run: The 8 mile GA run in 90 degrees with high humidity that almost killed me dead. Keeping your HR at the appropriate zone when it's THAT HOT is hard. (Guess when I made the switch to morning running? If you guessed "the very next day" you are a big WINNER!)
Bike Miles: Oh yeah, I have a bike. Hmm....Favorite Jams: Miley Cyrus' We Can't Stop played on repeat for a solid three miles today.
Congrats on graduating!! The flowers are beautiful! :)
Congrats again!!! Roll Tide! Football/college football season without studying is in your future ;-)
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