Tuesday was my last full day in NYC. Sniffle. I really wanted to go to a Broadway show, so we woke up and made our way to Times Square to wait in line for discounted tickets. I had to snap this giant champagne bottle for Jenn since it's her favesies.
For some reason, all the giant signs on top of signs on top of signs on top of people stacked on people in Times Square reminded me of scenes from Wall-E when the earth became unlivable. Interesting, no?

After we snagged our tickets (I had it narrowed down to If/Then, Of Mice and Men or Matilda. And Matilda won! Aka, didn't cost an arm+leg), we made our way to the New York Public Library. EEEEE!!!!!

I could've spent days in here. Except I was super overwhelmed by being around giant crowds by this point.

Luckily for me, there was a children's literature exhibit to check out!

From NYPL we went out for dinner before our big show:

The show was absolutely amazing. I can't believe Matilda was played by a nine year. What were you doing with your life at nine? Starring in a Broadway show? Probably not... dang. The set was amazing, giant scrabble like letters framing the stage. It was fun to pick out different words, whether they were intentional or not. There was a library set that was amazing and had Shhhh and Silence hidden in the letters. I laughed, I teared up. It was easily the best money I spent on the entire trip.
From the show, it was back to Susan's to pack and get ready for an early departure. Unluckily for me, I woke up at about 2am with the stomach flu and spent the entire trip home curled in the fetal position trying to not die. :(
I do have to thank Susan profusely/immensely/ridiculously for being my tour guide and hostess for the week. I wish SoDak was even a tenth as cool as NYC so that I could repay the favor to her, but I'm sure we'll meet up somewhere else cool someday (hopefully soon!)
1 comment:
Hooray! I'm so glad you came to the big city and that you had fun! (Sorry about the sickness...) One of these days I'll find a race in SoDak!
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