I started off NaNoWriMo with a bang. I was ready early for work on November 1st, so I sat down and got rolling. I had 250 words written before I was off to work to host a kickoff at my library. I came home incredible inspired and attended some online nano chats that were doing some sprints, and before too long I was just over 2k words for the day.
November 2nd I was up super early because of DST, and I spent an hour writing before the NYCM coverage kicked in. After the race started, I wrimo'd during commercials. I hit my word goal before the race was over. Wahoo, this writing stuff is easy! I picked up my laptop yet again after dinner, determined to earn my 5k badge. Badge earned, wahoo! So I rewarded myself with some blog writing. Which apparently you're not supposed to do in November, because it's "wasting words." Oops.
November 3rd I was again up early because of the time change, so I quickly banged out a thousand words before I went to yoga, and somehow managed to knock out 700 words in 20 minutes before work on November 4th. Thanks again time change!
November 5th and 6th were my first days were I fell behind the daily word count total nullifying my giant word count cushion from the weekend, I wrote about 800 words each day.
November 7th was my first thought of quitting NaNoWriMo, and I text Krista as such. She told me no and to get going. We did a little 20-25 minute sprint, and 900 words later I felt back on track! I did some more writing until Kyle came home from work and got myself caught up to only being one day (1667 words) behind. I also hit a wordcount milestone and earned myself a badge.
Saturday morning I got up and couldn't decide if I wanted to go to yoga. On one hand, if I have a good chunk of time to write, I tend to find something else to do, but if I only give myself a little bit of time, I can crank out the words. I hit 1200 words in under an hour and decided my award would be some Vinyasa yoga. I came home and showered and sat down for some sprints. I hit 560 words during a 15 minute sprint, and a whopping 1491 words during a 25-30 minute sprint. My new PR. And with that I was back ahead of the word count goal game, ever so slightly! I ended the day with about 3900 words written.
Sunday's goal was to get to ~18000 words to put me at an average of 2k/day. I wasn't nearly as motivated as I was on Saturday though. I did manage 979 words during a 30 minute sprint but nothing else to crazy. I think I hit 3300 for the day, and was just shy of my 18000 word goal.
Monday I had a weird work schedule, resulting in working from 5:30-9pm. You would think that I had spent all day writing, but you'd be wrong. Luckily once the final hours of my "day off" were trickling away I sat down with some writing motivation and knocked out 1800 words. After work I was further motivated by being OH SO CLOSE to 20k words so I spent some more time plunking down words on my laptop to hit 20k! Wahoo!! And this resulted in my first 2k+ average daily word count. Whoop. I hit almost 2600 words for the day.
Ollie helped. Obvs.
Tuesday I had the day off for Veteran's Day so after a glorious power vinyasa class, I sat down to write with a delicious Coffea latte in my hand. Now if that beast isn't writing motivation, I'm not sure what is! I hit just shy of 2100 words for the day.
Wednesday And Thursday I took the days off from writing. Still slightly on track to finish on time!