Wednesday, December 6, 2017

F^3 Lake Half Marathon Training Week 2

Week of November 27 - December 3

Monday Planned: LT 8 miles 20 minutes at LT, 4 min recovery, 16 minutes LT
Monday Actual: I was sick, so I had an unintended rest day.

Tuesday PlannedGeneral Aerobic 5 miles
Tuesday Actual
General Aerobic 6 miles with Taylor Swift's new album to keep me company.

Wednesday Planned: General Aerobic 3 miles
Wednesday ActualGeneral Aerobic 4 miles at the group run. We dressed 100% identically 100% on accident.

Thursday Planned
General Aerobic + Speed 7 miles 10x100 strides
Thursday ActualLT 8 miles 20 minutes at LT, 4 min recovery, 16 minutes LT. So so so hard.

Friday Planned: Rest
Friday Actual: 4 Recovery Miles at the coffee run with Toni!

Saturday PlannedRest
Saturday Actual: Rest

Sunday Planned
Endurance 12 miles, increase effort last 3 miles at LT pace
Sunday Actual: 12 miles, increased effort last 3 miles, but it was completely dark out so it was hard to see, thus harder to really speed up and not be afraid of falling.

Total Mileage Planned: 35 Miles
Total Mileage Actual: 34.2 miles

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