Today marks my one year anniversary at my library, or my libraversary if you will. The last year has been the best year in my professional career, so since I can't shout it from the rooftops (I live in an apartment on the first floor, thus don't have a rooftop to call my own) I'm doing the next best thing: blogging about it.
Over the past year I have learned the ins and outs of all things circulation, the department that I started in, and got to be a part of a major conversion where the entire library system changed from barcode scanning to RFID tags. And I got to help convert many MANY of those items personally. I wish that I had an odometer of sorts to determine how many of our collection I tagged on my own. I like stats, what can I say.
As I was getting close to finishing my Masters degree I found out I was selected to transfer to our brand new, yet to open library branch and I was beyond excited. Along with my new co-workers, I got to help get the library ready to open by unpacking thousands and thousands of books, putting them in order, shelving shelving shelving until the cows come home.
We had our grand opening and I have never seen so many people in a library at one time. Also I have never had a day of work fly by that quickly before.
Since we have opened, I have lead two story time sessions, and am just starting two more sessions. I have co-lead our teen programming events with my friend and co-worker Emily, and I have started a book club for adults who read YA books, that is almost already at capacity.
We all dressed up as Harry Potter characters for Halloween!

And I get to make some fun displays. Here are two I've made for the teen section.
Banned Book Week Display
Murder Mystery display
If the first year was this great, I can't wait to see what year number 2 will bring.
Happy work anniversary, Jeri!
I love how much you love the library!
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