I started out and my legs were flying, although it didn't feel like I was running fast. After the first mile beeped up, I knew I needed to slow way down since I had a long run less than 8 hours later (FML).
I did 5 miles in 47:40 for a pace of 9:32.
1. 9:14
2. 9:29
3. 9:38
4. 9:40
5. 9:39
After Tuesday's hot ass (literally) run, I decided that I would for sure be attempting my 11 mile long run before work on Wednesday. Typically when I do my long run before work, it's on Thursdays when I work late, but in this case, that meant a 4:45 wake up call. Um. That's early FYI.
My alarm went off and I scarfed down most of a Luna Bar (see I've already learned my fueling lesson from last week's long run failure. YAY ME!). Unfortunately I didn't have a banana as I typically do for long runs, and this will prove to be "sensitive subject" later in the run.
As soon as I opened my door the humidity slapped me in the face like a warm wash cloth. It was 80 degrees and 96% humidity. The streets and sidewalks were wet. Kill. ME. NOW. And the sun wasn't even out yet. Runners are crazy bitches fo sho. I started off and within a 1/2 mile my headphones fell out of my ears I was sweating so much. Sweet. At my 3/4 mile/stretch point I was dripping sweat. Awesome.
I made it a point to drink a ton of water (since I was losing a ton of it) and the miles just draaaaagged on. My legs felt heavy after the 5 miler a few hours before. I really can't wait to get to a "normal" week where I don't have any weekend plans and no races so I can rest the day before and after long runs. I like to feel strong on these puppies.
I stopped for water at mile 2 and 3.5 and also took a GU at 3.5. Strawberry banana...kinda tasted like a fruit roll up. Mmmm. Every time I stopped to get water, I would notice a small puddle forming under me as the rivers of sweat were rolling off of me/falling off of me/splashing on the ground.
About 4 miles in my legs started to feel more fresh so I picked up the pace slightly. At mile 7.5 I took another GU and refilled my water bottle again. My pace was settling in to the 9:30s which was what I was shooting for prior to the run. At mile 8 my stomach was not happy. At all. I needed to find a bathroom and there was none in sight. Also, the tree coverage surrounding the trail was nil. Hmmm.... the closest bathroom was mine...3 miles away. I guess we'll keep going. There were a couple of times during Mile 10 and 11 that I had to walk for a bit. This will forever serve as a reminder to get my banana breakfast in before long runs. :) Some how I managed to make it home, and for the first time, didn't care what my long run pace was. It was more of a success to make it to my bano.
I did the 11 miles in 1:48 for a pace of 9:50.
Interestingly enough, at the turn around my pace was 54:40, so I actually ended up having a stronger pace on the 2nd half despite a 1/4 of a mile where I had to resort to a brisk walk.
In case you were curious how soaked "soaked" actually is, here you go. I could wring out both top and bottom within the first 15 minutes of the run. I'm lucky my thighs are thinner now than they used to be, I remember getting a horrid case of "chub rub" from a similar humid run where the wet shorts rubbed my inner things raw. Owee!
Last 5k of the summer tomorrow (ok, last one on the schedule, you and me both know that I'll do another sometime before summer's end). Can't wait to race my booty off!
Those shorts are really soaked! WOW!! Great job on the runs! Have a great weekend!
I've had a few too many 'hot ass' runs myself lately. Bring on a cold front ... please.
Great job with the training despite the heat. Gotta love a good sweat.
omg those shorts are just drenched!
Yeah, I'm ready for fall. This summer has been one hot/humid mofo. I can completely relate to the rivers of sweat and the shirt wringing nastiness too.
I go for runs at that early hour as well - can't stand running with the sun beating on me.
My pre run meal is ALWAYS a banana with 1 TBS of peanut butter. LIke you, if I try other things the stomach complains.
You had a great run especially since you did 5 miles 8 hrs before.
Go girl!
oh man, this completely cracked me up. Was there not a toilet nearby?! Sorry, I'm a child at heart. ;)
Awesome run. Way to get out there!
Happy Friday!
oh man, i have had one too many of those soaked days...unlike you though i still have the chub rub. haha. thank goodness for lotion!
Chub rub, love it.
Holy soaky pants! You are a rock star! Great timing for running in a furnace! :)
awesome job on your runs! totally feel ya on the heat!
and I thought I was a heavy sweater...good Lord...hahaha
I sweat like that too- and my thighs are still rubbin! UGH! Sweatastic is a great way of putting it!
Your shorts look like mine! Great job on the sweatastic running!
Sweaty! Great job getting out there and getting those hot runs done. Did you get in the TC 10 miler?
wow those ARE some soaked shorts for sure. Have you ever tried lululemon run shorts? They are amazing and sweat wicking :)
Keep up the hard work chica!
omg...now that's impressive!! check out those shorts!
That IS early for a LR (or, any run, I hear ya! ;) ) - nice work on getting out there! But seriously, it is WAY more humid in the early hours, no?? My shorts looked exactly like that after Saturday's 14-er. I ran sans shirt, with D on the bike next to me (ya know, just for good measure, heh). No shame!
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