Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Brookings Half Training Week 11

Week of May 1-7

Monday Planned: General Aerobic + Speed 6 miles, 2 sets 6x100 strides
Monday Actual: Rest, I wasn't feeling well. And it was insane outside. Barf.

Tuesday Planned: Rest
Tuesday Actual: Sanford POWER 60 minutes. 6 general aerobic miles with 8x100 strides, because I can't read small print on my training plan, apparently. It got SUPER warm on my run, so much so that I ditched my long sleeve halfway through the workout. Insane.

Also, new shoes!

Wednesday Planned: VO2 Max 9 miles 2x1200, 2x1000, 1x800 @ 3k-5k pace
Wednesday Actual: 2.6 miles with the group run. It was storming really good, so the group run was delayed and we only had a smidge of time before I had to be back to teach yoga. We did yoga and then headed to the track. We did a 1 mile warm up followed by the VO2 max workout of 2x1200, 2x1000, 1x800 @ 3k-5k pace. It was challenging, but I love how spadework on the track makes me feel.

Thursday Planned: Recovery 4 miles
Thursday Actual: Rest. I took an epsom salt bath, foam rolled, and used my stick to help my legs recover. They were still tight from POWER and the speed session.

Friday Planned: Recovery 3 miles
Friday Actual: Coffee run! We did a 3.5 mile loop, and my legs felt heavy and very tired. Felt good to loosen them up though! Plus coffee. Yum.

Saturday Planned: Endurance 10 miles
Saturday Actual: Toni and I met for our last long run of the training cycle. The miles flew by, even the last 5 that were in zero shade on a crazy sunny and getting very warm day (okay maybe those miles didn't fly by, but it's good practice for hot and sunny race days, right? Right). Once Toni left I texted her in a panic "WE DIDN'T TAKE A PICTURE. DO THESE MILES EVEN COUNT?!?" So I had to take one on my own. Sad. We were dressed in the brightest of bright colors.

Sunday Planned: Rest
Sunday Actual: Rest. I was going to do Thursday's recovery miles, but opted to rest instead. Foam rolling, sticking, and all that good stuff!!

Total Mileage Planned: 32 miles

Total Mileage Actual:  28.67 miles

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